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May have accidentally fed Alfalfa


New Born Pup
Dec 28, 2022
Reaction score
New York
My dad works on a farm and gifted me a bale of hay for Christmas. I forgot to double check and ask what kind it was. I’m going to ask in the morning but at the moment I’m worrying. What if I’ve been feeding my 2 year old piggies Alfalfa hay for the last 2 days? Will they be okay?
They'll be okay. Alfalfa hay is fine in small amounts, it's just not recommended for every day because it can have high calcium levels that can lead to bladder stones/sludge. A couple of days of eating it shouldn't hurt them. Heck, a lot of pigs probably end up eating it all the time their whole lives if the owners aren't springing for the timothy-hay based pellets, which cost more, at least where I live!