Matted Texel Piggy

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 9, 2013
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I live in Wales, UK
Hello fellow piggy lovers. I have to admit I am feeling a little deflated tonight. Today I attempted to 'fix' my texel piggy's hair. She really hates being combed/brushed (I have tried all different types) and despite me trying to keep it up she has become really matted around the bum and legs. So today I tried to trim the hair with a scissors and get the knots off but some are so tight to the skin that I didn't even attempt to trim them incase I caught her skin. However, she squealed quite a lot and wriggled and was clearly getting distressed, she then pee'd on me which made me feel terrible as she has never done this before and this was obviously a result of me making her so scared :( . I have asked before on here for advice and was told to try bathing her and easing the knots out with a special shampoo. I did this but she squealed uncontrollably throughout so it was impossible. Her hair is now better than it was but she still has some matte's and her 'hairstyle' isn't exactly attractive as I had to give up before it got even. I really don't know what to do now, I feel like I have tried everything and I just feel cruel after today's episode. She is such a calm piggy normally but grooming seems to really upset her. HELP!
Have you tried a small pair of dog clippers on her? Might be best just to shave the hair off as scissors might tug at her skin. Wahl do some excellent ones, that I've used on a couple of mine with no problems :)
Thanks for your reply BonBon2010. Shaving is something that I have thought about but really wanted to avoid. However, I think it might be the only option I have left. Do you know the name of the ones you have used?
These are fab, they are a tiny hand held pair, that require one AA battery (came supplied with mine). Don't be fooled by the price, or the fact they are battery operated, because they're just as good as a mains set. I shaved off Biscuits bum hair the other day with them as he'd *cough* got it matted, and my horses whiskers!... He never flinched :) I'd use it with the smallest fitting that clips over the blade ;)
Oh and they're £11.99 which is far cheaper than what i paid ;) Click on the view and bid to see the actual page, it is in english money, ignore the dollar one on the link x
I bought a wahl beard trimmer to try on my lukara girl. I didn't get on with it at all. Are these more powerful than the human beard ones does anyone know. I ended up going back to scissors and found if I cut her frequently rather than leaving it to grow for a month or two between cuts there is much less fuss as it is a quick all over snip!
I've never tried the beard trimmers @Briony_S, these came with my horse clippers. I guess though that human hair has a very different consistency to pet hair, hence issues maybe?
i never brushed my texel as she hated it.Ran my fingers through her hair every day and if i found a knot i cut it out.Worked great for me
Texels's coats look naturally wooly and unruly, for several years I tried brushing out the whorls in my Abyssinian, until one day I read it was supposed to be like that. Would you consider just giving it time, and gentle daily brushing with a soft brush, with time and care, it will improve.
Try wrapping them up In a tea towel when it comes to cutting around their back end. It stops them from wriggling and kicking and makes it a lot quicker and a little less stressful. I end up chasing mine around the counter without it
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