Massive terrible Matt of boar glue! Help!


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
So one of my boars had a lovely time yesterday and has made a right mess of the other one! Norman (the victim) is very long haired and it’s such a huge amount and all stuck rigid to his skin! I’ve put loads of coconut oil on there and been trying to gently snip away bits and work it in gently with a comb to break up the massive piece but there’s no breaking that lump up and it’s so close to the skin I can’t cut it off. I’ve left loads of coconut oil on it now but I don’t know what else to do! Poor little boy is already very skittish after not a great start to life so he was getting all upset when I was trying to get it off. Didn’t want to hurt him or stress him out further so put him back in. Any ideas?!
Generally with boar glue - and it is glue - it’s either cut it out or leave it to work off on its own.
If it is too close to the skin to cut and if it is irritating him, tight in the skin etc, then it would probably be best to speak to a vet.
Poor Norman. I hope it comes away on its own soon.
I would either clip it (if possible) or simply leave it to grow out.
If he is already nervous then I wouldn't stress him further by trying to work it out with oil.
I would either clip it (if possible) or simply leave it to grow out.
If he is already nervous then I wouldn't stress him further by trying to work it out with oil.
Thank you yes I think I’m going to leave it to grow a bit then clip it. A vet visit would just stress him out. It’s not irritating him until I start messing with it!