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New Born Pup
Nov 19, 2017
Reaction score
Baton Rouge louisiana
Yesterday I took my Guinea pig to the vet. After taking X-rays they found a mass in her. The vet said she wouldn’t recommend having surgery on her because she’s 6 years old and thinks it’s dangerous to put a pig that old under anesthesia. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do ?


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I'm so sorry you have had this diagnosis for your piggy. Did the vet say what it was attached to? How well is your piggy in themselves? Also if your vet isn’t confident operating on pigs you could get a second opinion maybe. Good luck.
She said ovary or kidney. She said it was hard to tell which one from the X-rays. I can try to see if there are other ones in the area to get another opinion.
Bless you love. I am so sorry you’ve had such sad news. Of course you can seek a second opinion. We all question ourselves about what we should/shouldn’t do. Only you can decide given her age and condition. If in doubt seek further vet advice. If you’re confident witb your current vets advice continue to care and love her as you do for as long as you have her 🤗
Yesterday I took my Guinea pig to the vet. After taking X-rays they found a mass in her. The vet said she wouldn’t recommend having surgery on her because she’s 6 years old and thinks it’s dangerous to put a pig that old under anesthesia. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do ?

Yesterday I took my Guinea pig to the vet. After taking X-rays they found a mass in her. The vet said she wouldn’t recommend having surgery on her because she’s 6 years old and thinks it’s dangerous to put a pig that old under anesthesia. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do ?

Hi and welcome

I am very sorry that you are in that position after getting the kind of diagnosis none of us wants to ever hear. If you are not happy, you are within your rights to seek a second opinion but please do so with an open mind and take on board any vet concerns.

Unfortunately, kidneys are still beyond successful operations at the time - we have seen the odd attempt by vets in younger guinea pigs have yet to hear of a successful operation. While I have had several successful emergency spays in 5 year olds and a much less invasive skin cyst removals in two 6 year olds, I would frankly consider twice a confirmed ovarian operation in a 6 year old who is right in the middle of the average life span.
I would personally be even more cautious about exploratory surgery in an older piggy and have always taken the advice of my vet in comparable situations. With internal operations where an internal 'mass' of some description was in play my own decision has always been a negative so far; especially when my experienced operating vet has not been confident about the outcome.

You have basically the choice between an expensive exploratory surgery that is more likely not to come off and may result in the decision not to let your girl wake up again if the findings are not good or letting your piggy live out their life for as long as they have quality of life (being able to exhibit normal behaviour) and the will to live for as long or short as that lasts. Neither is an easy choice but there is no right or wrong which way you decide as long as you are putting your piggy's welfare before your own desires and fears.

You may find a more in-depth discussion of this aspect (which also applies to concerns as to when to let a guinea pig suffering from a major health problem go) in this supportive and sensitive link here, which will hopefully help you to make your own choice with a clearer mind if not with a less aching heart.
Please also keep in mind that you are currently reeling from the bad news and that actually your own grieving process has kicked in with the loss of your girl suddenly becoming a stark reality instead of something that might happen some day in the future. The second worst time apart from the actual loss is the shock at the is the shock of it right at the start. :(
Here is the link, which will hopefully help you further in a constructive way to make as informed a decision as possible so you will have an easier ride later on, whichever way you go: A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs

If you decide for an operation, here is practical information, which you may find helpful for the aftercare:
Tips For Post-operative Care
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

Wishing you and your girl all the best.

I am so sorry for the sad news :( You are within your rights to seek a second opinion if you are not happy but the advise given may well be the same.

My Emma had a cancerous tumour in her armpit. She was 5-6 years old at the time and my vets advise was to take her home and love her so I did just that. Emma lived for another several months before she died of something unrelated.

Take heart that your piggy has had a long and happy life filled with love (((hugs))) x
So sorry for your devastating news.
I can only echo what others have said.
Take time to consider what you feel is best for your piggy and will help you to cope.
Give her lots of happy todays and make lots of memories.
Hi and welcome

I am very sorry that you are in that position after getting the kind of diagnosis none of us wants to ever hear. If you are not happy, you are within your rights to seek a second opinion but please do so with an open mind and take on board any vet concerns.

Unfortunately, kidneys are still beyond successful operations at the time - we have seen the odd attempt by vets in younger guinea pigs have yet to hear of a successful operation. While I have had several successful emergency spays in 5 year olds and a much less invasive skin cyst removals in two 6 year olds, I would frankly consider twice a confirmed ovarian operation in a 6 year old who is right in the middle of the average life span.
I would personally be even more cautious about exploratory surgery in an older piggy and have always taken the advice of my vet in comparable situations. With internal operations where an internal 'mass' of some description was in play my own decision has always been a negative so far; especially when my experienced operating vet has not been confident about the outcome.

You have basically the choice between an expensive exploratory surgery that is more likely not to come off and may result in the decision not to let your girl wake up again if the findings are not good or letting your piggy live out their life for as long as they have quality of life (being able to exhibit normal behaviour) and the will to live for as long or short as that lasts. Neither is an easy choice but there is no right or wrong which way you decide as long as you are putting your piggy's welfare before your own desires and fears.

You may find a more in-depth discussion of this aspect (which also applies to concerns as to when to let a guinea pig suffering from a major health problem go) in this supportive and sensitive link here, which will hopefully help you to make your own choice with a clearer mind if not with a less aching heart.
Please also keep in mind that you are currently reeling from the bad news and that actually your own grieving process has kicked in with the loss of your girl suddenly becoming a stark reality instead of something that might happen some day in the future. The second worst time apart from the actual loss is the shock at the is the shock of it right at the start. :(
Here is the link, which will hopefully help you further in a constructive way to make as informed a decision as possible so you will have an easier ride later on, whichever way you go: A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs

If you decide for an operation, here is practical information, which you may find helpful for the aftercare:
Tips For Post-operative Care
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

Wishing you and your girl all the best.

Thanks for all the information! Luckily she is still acting normally. I took her in because her urine appeared to be pinkish, but she had no change in behavior yet. I really hope it doesn’t get worse soon. I love her a lot and I know her sisters do too.
I am so sorry for the sad news :( You are within your rights to seek a second opinion if you are not happy but the advise given may well be the same.

My Emma had a cancerous tumour in her armpit. She was 5-6 years old at the time and my vets advise was to take her home and love her so I did just that. Emma lived for another several months before she died of something unrelated.

Take heart that your piggy has had a long and happy life filled with love (((hugs))) x
Thanks for the information! I’m sorry about Emma. Did Emma act any different as time went on with her having it? Elly has been acting normal, but I’m very nervous that over time it may get worse for her. I’m also terrified she wouldn’t wake up if I put her through surgery. I wish I knew what was the best choice
Thanks for all the information! Luckily she is still acting normally. I took her in because her urine appeared to be pinkish, but she had no change in behavior yet. I really hope it doesn’t get worse soon. I love her a lot and I know her sisters do too.

Please read the dying guide and the chapter on looking after a terminally il guinea pig in my previous post.
There is a huge and very special gift in all of this - what you make of the time that is left, however long or short, and how you fill it with precious memories. Whenever the end comes, you can then let go without suffering the usual strong feelings of failure, guilt or intensive soul-searching, knowing that you have given your girl what she wants from life: happy todays. And you are left with wonderful heart-warming memories of the kind that will sustain in you in dark times.
Life is not about the length but what you make of it; love and joy are not bound by time. Turn the life clock back to zero and celebrate every single day with her as the special blessing it is - whether that is days, weeks or months.

The piggy I can't but remember with a huge silly smile on my face was a 5 years old 'sad gent' windower stuck in rescue. Bryn truly packed a life's worth of fun in the fast lane into it as a Jack Sparrow meets Casanova with some inspiration from Houdini and a touch of Genghis Khan, cutting a swathe through my old ladies, winding up the other husboars in the room and not letting arthritis in the way of a good popcorn. When he passed away, it felt like he'd been here for five years instead of just one.

Your girl doesn't know that she is seriously ill; so make the most of it while you can. Unlike with a sudden death, the shock and the death are spaced apart and you can do quite a bit of your grieving 'homework' underneath it all if you are open about it; it will make the 'after the death' part so much easier on you. Guinea pigs live in the now; take a leaf out of their book. ;)
Enrichment Ideas for Guinea Pigs
What a difficult decision you have to make for your piggie. Whatever you decide will be the correct one as it will have been made out of love. We are here to support you.
Thanks for the information! I’m sorry about Emma. Did Emma act any different as time went on with her having it? Elly has been acting normal, but I’m very nervous that over time it may get worse for her. I’m also terrified she wouldn’t wake up if I put her through surgery. I wish I knew what was the best choice
No, Emma didn’t act any differently. You would never have known she had cancer if it wasn’t for the tumour x