Marley Hates Bath Time

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Herd of Marley

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
London, England
Although he has massively improved since I got him three years ago, Marley still hates baths. He stands wide eyed in the water on his tip toes and freezes in that position unless I let go of him for an instant... When he will somehow propel himself at me (soaking everything and everyone in the near vicinity in the process) and scramble up into my arms to escape.

He also does not really see the necessity of brushing and hair cuts, despite being largely ok with the hair drier. This is, of course, a problem because he is a Peruvian guinea pig and his hair becomes matted unless I take proper care of it. Unfortunately, Marley doesn't understand this and I feel as though I have betrayed his deepest trust every time I pick up the hair brush!

Is there anything I can do to make these experiences less unpleasant for him? I only ask because Marley is overdue a bath and I need to wash him this afternoon.
I do keep it as short as possible, I give him a bath once a month and cut his hair at the same time. I usually cut it very short to avoid matting but this doesn't effectively deal with ALL the tangles. I feel sort of guilty for not brushing him every day but he hates it so much!
Does he need a bath once a month? Maybe you could wipe him with small animal wipes.
My guinea pig, Mouse, has medium-long hair (we assume her father must be Peruvian as her mother has teddy fur!) but I don't think she would ever let me wash her so I give her hair cuts every couple of weeks to try and stop it getting matted. I don't cut it particularly short but it means it doesn't drag on the floor :) she still doesn't really appreciate it though when I get the comb out.
Here she is!
She is gorgeous! She looks very similar to Marley with his hair shorter, especially the colours on her face. They love Marley at the vet's too, he even had his picture taken and posted on their Facebook page (he was only there to get his nails done, something else he hates) - must be something about long haired guinea pigs!

I guess it was wishful thinking to hope that we could make bath time any more pleasurable. I will definitely try using wipes and trimming the hair in between washes but I doubt we will ever be able to completely eliminate baths for him because he does get a bit stinky!
She is gorgeous! She looks very similar to Marley with his hair shorter, especially the colours on her face. They love Marley at the vet's too, he even had his picture taken and posted on their Facebook page (he was only there to get his nails done, something else he hates) - must be something about long haired guinea pigs!

I guess it was wishful thinking to hope that we could make bath time any more pleasurable. I will definitely try using wipes and trimming the hair in between washes but I doubt we will ever be able to completely eliminate baths for him because he does get a bit stinky!

Ahh thank goodness someone else's Peruvian hates getting bathed as much as my Mali!

He looks at me with such distain every time he needs washed (he could do with a bath everyday, he's that dirty but once a month is exhausting enough! - his body is pure white and he just looks so dirty without at least a bum wash!

But the worst crime I commit is cutting his lovely locks! He HATES getting his hair cut, which just makes the experience worse. Any tips?

Here is my scruffy tramp! He sees no problem being smelly and hairy! Smelling nice and looking clean is for girls!!

Mali posing 2.webp
:love:They are all adorable. Love to see a long haired piggie.
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