Maria's Never Popcorned

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Jun 22, 2011
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In the two years I've had her I've never seen her popcorning. Any clues why?
Is she on her own? Maybe she is gunieapig lonely? Not saying you don't give her any attention, I'm sure she has lots of human cuddles but maybe she's like to play?

She may just not be a!

Alan is but Barry rarely did it! xx
Hi there, does she live alone? I have read that lone guinea pigs are less likely to popcorn..... I don't know for sure this is true but my 2 always seem to popcorn and run around together.

Maybe more experienced piggie owners will have better advice? or maybe its time for a friend...... :))
Yeah, she's the only one. After I rescued her I wanted to get another to keep her company, but the cage isn't big enough and my parents said no (Plus, no room for another cage).

She's in my bedroom and I'm in there 24/7 to try and compensate with that.

Maybe that could be it. Wish I could get another little piggie drool
Maybe you could make some toys for her? Treats in a toilet roll with hay?

Mine are so fickle and get excited at the prospect of having their cage rearranged! Hehe xx
How much time/ space does she have to run my piggies only popcorn when they are outside running about in their run? they dont do it when in their cage.... one of mine is a lone piggy at the mo and he still popcorns although not as much as the two that are together do. so maybe it is a case of needing a friend to play with? :)
Mmm... That's a good idea. I'll look up some toy ideas after I sleep... (3:30am, time for me to hit the sack).
How much time/ space does she have to run my piggies only popcorn when they are outside running about in their run? they dont do it when in their cage.... one of mine is a lone piggy at the mo and he still popcorns although not as much as the two that are together do. so maybe it is a case of needing a friend to play with? :)

I actually don't have a run, but I do bring her out on my bed and give her plenty of space to play around. That's when she seems at her happiest when she's not in the cage. Chirping happily and eating hay and being mischievousness.

I do it once a day, but I try to do it more often. (Now, It is very often, but when school starts up again I'll be lucky for 1 a day). I'll let her go until she seems like she wants back in the cage.
Adults tend to popcorn much less than youngsters and some piggies popcorn more than others.
could you maybe put her on the floor to play and explore too? or if you have a patch of grass try building a makeshift run or putting some barriers up to let her run about while you sit and play with her? i like the toys idea too as they can get excited over rather random things lol :))
I could try, but our house had tons and tons of places where a little piggy could get lost and so many cords she could accidentally chew on...
probably not a great idea then! lol I'm sure not popcorning doesnt mean shes unhappy though :)
Yeah, I guess it just isn't her to popcorn. I had her on my bed last night and she was making all sorts of happy noises and scurrying around and eating hay (I went to get her some more and she ran right into the bag, sat down, and started eating it while she was in the hay bag! Silly little thing. I took her out and closed the bag after getting her more hay, and she nudge the bag trying to get back in (she was about to nibble on it but I didn't let her XD)).
How big is her cage? If her cage is small, she might need more floor time :)

Mine will usually popcorn in the midst of their zooming ;)
Did you get her as an adult? They do popcorn much more as babies, and it seems to decline as they get older. Mine are different ages- Sundae is a little older than one and will still popcorn and run laps during floor time (though not as much as she did when she was a baby!) but we don't see as many popcorns out of 2.5 year old Linney- and most of the ones we do see involve treats! She has gotten more placid as she has gotten older, and it takes more to get her excited. Which makes sense, I know my kids have a lot more energy and are a lot easier to excite than I am!
I got her when she was about a few months old. Guess she just isn't into popcorning. maybe if I showed her a video of guinea pigs popcorning... drool
I'm going to spoil her and make her the happiest guinea pig ever! XD. (In a few months time).

So, every quarter in school I get money for my grades. if I get all A's, I get $100. I figure a new cage would make my Maria so much more happy, but the ones at the store are way overpriced (Hers was almost $100 for a small cage!), so I'm going to make her a C&C cage when I get some money in a few months! It'll be two stories, and have a ramp and a hay bin. Of course, I'm going to try and litter train her in the mean time since C&C cages are harder to clean (in my opinion). Plus, it'd be way more sanitary for her. Imagine her surprise when she has a huge cage to explore with some brand new toys. I can hear the WHEEEKS! now!

I was wondering, how do you go about cleaning a C&C cage? I know how in general, but what are your methods? Just detach the grids and live the grid that is connected to the coroplast on and take it out and dump the contents in the dumpster? (that's how I get rid of the stuff in her cage when i clean it, I take the plastic bottom out to the dumpster and then hose it down and dry it.)

It's going to be about 1.8 grids wide, 3 grids long, 2 grids high, and that's where my dresser ends, but I have a desk with shelves right next to it so if I put supports from the second grid level for a loft overlaping onto the shelf I have enough room for a nice sized loft for her that is 1x1.5-1.8. (14'' per grid). With a ramp made out of 1 grid wrapped in a towel so she can comfortably climb it. (better for space than a 3 grid long ramp.). It'd be about $86.20, but her current cage is about that expensive and it's waaaay smaller.
It's a lot eaiser to just make a cage! I have and it works perfectly. You can have your own size and own needs. Get your mum/dad to help and it will be loads cheaper!
That's what I was planning on doing :D.

maria will be so happy...

I forgot to add in the price for the connectors and the extra grids for support on the loft, so it's about $126. That would take at least 2 months starting august, (Maybe less if I can bribe my parents to pitch in rolleyes). 4-5 months max.
I usually lift up the grids and all the towels and fleece. I wipe the coroplast base with diluted white vinegar to get rid of the bacteria.
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