Maria, Twister and Nutmeg

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-lovely Maria, My 4th guinea pig I've owned, her age is unknown because I adopted her and her daughter Jericho *now deceased* from Petco at least 4 years ago. Maria is still with me though and is a surrogate mother to my other 2 piggies; a very very sweet natured pig, she just loves to sit in your lap.

-Nutmeg *the cream and white* and Twister *brown, white and black*, both sisters I just got a couple weeks ago. Both of them are 5 weeks old. The lady we got them from said that she originally bought 2 female pigs from Petco and it turns out one was male and it became an accidental birth; so we found a listing for baby piggies and we decided to get them!

hope you like my piggies! :)
wow in that picture twister just has the same markings as a skunk, or they look like it.

Gorgeous piggies.
yes, I suppose she does look like a skunk with those markings :P

thank you very much
Gorgeous guineas, love the sound of Maria's temperament and all the guineas names. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
What little sweeties :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
She's a beautiful little girl to take care of them, what a sweet surrogate mum she is :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
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