Adult Guinea Pig
Marge my old sow that had a hysterectomy is doing fine , though my vet advided me to keep her in a devided cage from her two husboars , and she is driving them mad .
They are filling the pig room with boar pheromones , and it is driving a little boar (Robin) to distraction , he is running round the pig room popcorning , though l have to be careful as he has a tilted head and is prone to bumping into things. It makes it worse for the little one when the 2 sows he is bonded two give him a wide berth.
They are filling the pig room with boar pheromones , and it is driving a little boar (Robin) to distraction , he is running round the pig room popcorning , though l have to be careful as he has a tilted head and is prone to bumping into things. It makes it worse for the little one when the 2 sows he is bonded two give him a wide berth.