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Many hay pokes in 2 weeks


Adult Guinea Pig
May 1, 2020
Reaction score
Shropshire, UK
As nights are getting chillier I'm adding meadow hay to a few hides for the piggies to snuggle in if they start to feel cold. I bought vale bale meadow hay hay and I've had so many hay pokes since using it. So far the count is:
Both of Basil's eyes
Both of Autumn's eyes...twice
One of Mia's eyes
One of Blossoms eyes

After spending a lot of money at the vets, what was a cheap bale of hay has gotten quite expensive.

I've cleaned out all hutches to remove any meadow hay. Bagged up the remaining hay to pass on to someone else in need. Now wondering if there's any meadow hay you'd recommend?

Normally the pigs have Timothy blend from haybox for eating, I've tried other brands but they don't eat as much and thus, lose weight. I've never had an issue with Timothy and eyes despite being a more pokey hay. But looking for a cheaper bedding hay as they are getting through 30kg of eating hay a month.

I know hay pokes are part and parcel of owning guinea pigs but since using this bedding hay it's gone through the roof.

Thanks in advance
Hay can be a bit hit and miss you can get a bad batch from an otherwise good brand because it depends on so many factors, which cut it is, time of year, what the weather has been like, whether its cut from the edge or the middle of the field the list goes on. I like getting mine from pets at home because I can actually look at it, smell it and pick out the best one there. Hay poke does happen but this does sound like a few to many for it to just be bad luck.
Poor piggies and poor you, that's an awful lot of hay pokes in a short time. I use Natures Own meadow hay but as Sweet Potato says hay can be very hit and miss.
What a lot of haypoke!
Poor you dealing with all of those eye drops.
Hope all poorly eyes get better soon
I've used this brand before. I used it last year and had hay pokes and the year before. Only reason why I ordered it again is because, as you say, it's a natural product and can vary a lot. So I thought I would try it one last time and this was the result.

I'm trying to find a soft hay for the hutch in winter. I need to fill 3 6ft hutches so the small bales in p@h won't be enough. I've switched to their long strand meadow just to stuff a few hides for if they get cold. But I don't want to try filling the hutches with it for £6 per kg. Hopefully we'll have a mild winter but I need to be prepared as I live in a small town and deliveries struggle to get in with snow/ice.

Hopefully after a couple more days of eye drops that'll be it.

@piggieminder is nature's own a very soft hay? Have you had many hay pokes with it?
Is there a farm anywhere near you at all?
I buy meadow hay by the bale from a local farm.
I have four hutches now so I also get through a lot!
I agree if you can get to a farm or equine feed store you can find good hay bales for 6 to 7 pounds a bale.
If you do not have transport.
I use hay and straw company ,meadow hay.its soft.it costs £19 for 9.5kgs.delivers to your door.
I'm sorry you are having all this problems.
Is there a farm anywhere near you at all?
I buy meadow hay by the bale from a local farm.
I have four hutches now so I also get through a lot!
Yes there's plenty of farms near by, only problem is that I don't drive and the only person in the house who can drive is allergic to hay. I've tried asking for them to deliver bales in the past with no luck. It's a bit of a nightmare if I'm honest.

@eileen that may be worth a try, thank you!
Yes there's plenty of farms near by, only problem is that I don't drive and the only person in the house who can drive is allergic to hay. I've tried asking for them to deliver bales in the past with no luck. It's a bit of a nightmare if I'm honest.

@eileen that may be worth a try, thank you!

Oh I see. Is there a friend or neighbour who wouldn’t mind helping you transport hay from a farm?

It can feel like it works out to be expensive buying online when you need a lot!
How about independent pet shops near you? I know your family can’t be around the hay but ones round here sell the hay from local farms in plastic bags so it is contained whereas a bale isn’t and could be put into the boot of a car? I don’t know - I guess it depends on how much your family member had to avoid it. My brother in law can’t be around hay but as long as it is bagged and in the boot he is ok.

I buy my eating hay from Happy Hay Co now, albeit I’ve only had their orchard hay so far (its soft so us also suitable for bedding). I’ve subscribed and it comes in at £29.92 (plus delivery) for 15kg. That lasts me (2 rabbits, and 4 piggies - 4 hutches) about 5 weeks for eating, plus £7 for a meadow hay bale which is probably around 25kg for bedding - lasts probably 6 weeks (bit longer in summer)
s nature's own a very soft hay? Have you had many hay pokes with it?

It varies, it sometimes has a few stalks in it as is the nature of hay but it's mostly soft. I'm touching wood as I say this next bit! I've only ever had one hay poke and that was not really a poke it was a grass blade rather than stalk in the hay that went under Peanuts eye lid and rubbed the eye into an ulcer.
@Engel having said I'd only had one hay poke, the boys have now had 2 this week. I think it's a coincidence but I feel sad for those sore eyes. Ducky had a seed from the Timothy hay in his. I don't know which hay scratched Freddie but I have been surprised he's not done it sooner. Freddie is a hay burrower, he likes to get under it and then walk around with it on his back.