Dilly's Piggies
Teenage Guinea Pig
My girl Delilah turned 7 in November and suffers with confirmed heart disease (enlarged heart) and arthritis. She's currently on 1/4 tablet Cardisure, 0.5ml Frusol (diuretic) and 0.2ml cat strength metacam twice per day. It was initially once per day, I actually had to push my vet to let me give it twice as they were unwilling due to apparent liver side effects, they're very stingy with metacam even though I see people on this forum giving their pigs like 0.6ml twice regularly of even dog strength.
The problem is that was fine for a while, but now she seems to really be struggling, she's laid out stretched/pancaked most of the time and is even getting bald patches of hair on her belly and legs, pressure points rubbing the hair off from laying that way so much. She doesn't walk normally either, very stiff. Sometimes, not all the time her rear legs are weak and bend to the side and sometimes she can even stumble/flop over. She is also starting to sit in a hunched rabbit like posture a lot with her back feet so far under that they almost touch her fronts with them splayed out to the side.
Another issue is her breathing, she used to start breathing harder like this whenever she had too much fluid in her chest, but she is already on the diuretic permanently to prevent this and was doing really well, her follow up scans after starting heart medication showed huge improvement so it does work for her. I'm wondering if this heavy breathing now is arthritic pain related since she seems in a lot of pain with her legs right now. She is eating fine, sometimes she doesn't finish all her veggies though when she's having a bad day, but has never turned down a vitamin C biscuit no matter how bad it is. She takes her medication in the cage willingly. Of course she isn't very mobile and prefers to sit in one spot, but I still see her out at the hay, water and pellets often, she pokes her head out of the hidey whenever I go in, expecting a treat.
I have experienced arthritic piggies before, one was really bad to the point she became paralysed and couldn't stand for days, of course we tried absolutely everything to help her, even laser treatment which actually got her back on her feet most of the time. We tried Vetergesic (opiate) for her too but it made her super sedated to the point where she wouldn't even eat, ended up with liver failure and had to be PTS, she was on an entire cocktail of meds too including this same dose of metacam and my vet thinks that's what caused her liver issue. This seriously broke my heart and she was my special pig, I tried absolutely everything but still lost.
I see many owners giving arthritic piggies stronger opiate meds like this with good results, I want to trial it with Delilah, even a low dose to see but I worry it'll do the same to her. Metacam just doesn't seem strong enough, but I don't want her to be zonked out either, can anyone help with suggestions of what we could try here? She already has a heat pad as I know that can help in these cold winter months but she hates it and makes a point of sleeping OUTSIDE the hidey lol. I just feel so, so bad for her, I don't know what to try or whether higher metacam will even do anything if I did persuade my vet. I have no idea what level of pain relief or treatment is adequate here. Any help is much appreciated. To be clear she can still walk and move, albeit stiffly.
Just a quick example of Delilah eating her prized vitamin C biscuit while sitting weirdly.
The problem is that was fine for a while, but now she seems to really be struggling, she's laid out stretched/pancaked most of the time and is even getting bald patches of hair on her belly and legs, pressure points rubbing the hair off from laying that way so much. She doesn't walk normally either, very stiff. Sometimes, not all the time her rear legs are weak and bend to the side and sometimes she can even stumble/flop over. She is also starting to sit in a hunched rabbit like posture a lot with her back feet so far under that they almost touch her fronts with them splayed out to the side.
Another issue is her breathing, she used to start breathing harder like this whenever she had too much fluid in her chest, but she is already on the diuretic permanently to prevent this and was doing really well, her follow up scans after starting heart medication showed huge improvement so it does work for her. I'm wondering if this heavy breathing now is arthritic pain related since she seems in a lot of pain with her legs right now. She is eating fine, sometimes she doesn't finish all her veggies though when she's having a bad day, but has never turned down a vitamin C biscuit no matter how bad it is. She takes her medication in the cage willingly. Of course she isn't very mobile and prefers to sit in one spot, but I still see her out at the hay, water and pellets often, she pokes her head out of the hidey whenever I go in, expecting a treat.
I have experienced arthritic piggies before, one was really bad to the point she became paralysed and couldn't stand for days, of course we tried absolutely everything to help her, even laser treatment which actually got her back on her feet most of the time. We tried Vetergesic (opiate) for her too but it made her super sedated to the point where she wouldn't even eat, ended up with liver failure and had to be PTS, she was on an entire cocktail of meds too including this same dose of metacam and my vet thinks that's what caused her liver issue. This seriously broke my heart and she was my special pig, I tried absolutely everything but still lost.
I see many owners giving arthritic piggies stronger opiate meds like this with good results, I want to trial it with Delilah, even a low dose to see but I worry it'll do the same to her. Metacam just doesn't seem strong enough, but I don't want her to be zonked out either, can anyone help with suggestions of what we could try here? She already has a heat pad as I know that can help in these cold winter months but she hates it and makes a point of sleeping OUTSIDE the hidey lol. I just feel so, so bad for her, I don't know what to try or whether higher metacam will even do anything if I did persuade my vet. I have no idea what level of pain relief or treatment is adequate here. Any help is much appreciated. To be clear she can still walk and move, albeit stiffly.
Just a quick example of Delilah eating her prized vitamin C biscuit while sitting weirdly.