Males Not Meeting The Females.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 1, 2017
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Hello my friends!

I decided to adopt two beautiful female piggies both 10weeks old.
I already own two boars (sonic and Jeffery), they are in 5x2 C&C cage in far living room, and my girls in a cage that is to size of 3x2 cage are in my dining room directly diagonal and opposite side of the medium to large room.
The apartment layout is, I guess a L shape.... and I believe while my boars are laying down on top of their houses may see the new girls.
The plan is to not allow them to each other.
I have seen people with boys right next to girls and I've seen C&C directly on top of each other?

If the boys do see the girls will they start to fight?
Can the boys smell them on the other side of the room?
Any other opinions?
and girl names! they are brown and white and absolutely beautiful!
Hello my friends!

I decided to adopt two beautiful female piggies both 10weeks old.
I already own two boars (sonic and Jeffery), they are in 5x2 C&C cage in far living room, and my girls in a cage that is to size of 3x2 cage are in my dining room directly diagonal and opposite side of the medium to large room.
The apartment layout is, I guess a L shape.... and I believe while my boars are laying down on top of their houses may see the new girls.
The plan is to not allow them to each other.
I have seen people with boys right next to girls and I've seen C&C directly on top of each other?

If the boys do see the girls will they start to fight?
Can the boys smell them on the other side of the room?
Any other opinions?
and girl names! they are brown and white and absolutely beautiful!

Hi! Your boys will be aware of the presence of other guinea pigs, but that distance should be fine in terms of pheromones drifting across. Guinea pigs have sharp eye sight only close up; over distance they react to sudden movement. This means that they cannot see your girls the way humans can and are not bothered. ;)

If possible, please do not move them closer. While young boys that grow up with sows nearby can be sometimes fine, depending on how they are affected by strong sow hormones (my two boars living on a table above the group pens definitely are, neutering notwithstanding to prevent pregnancies if they ever accidentally meet!), it is generally best to keep the genders as much as apart as you can.

Also keep a distance of about 2 feet or more between runs when they are on the lawn and ideally keep the boys upwind of the of the sows.
Hi! Your boys will be aware of the presence of other guinea pigs, but that distance should be fine in terms of pheromones drifting across. Guinea pigs have sharp eye sight only close up; over distance they react to sudden movement. This means that they cannot see your girls the way humans can and are not bothered. ;)

If possible, please do not move them closer. While young boys that grow up with sows nearby can be sometimes fine, depending on how they are affected by strong sow hormones (my two boars living on a table above the group pens definitely are, neutering notwithstanding to prevent pregnancies if they ever accidentally meet!), it is generally best to keep the genders as much as apart as you can.

Also keep a distance of about 2 feet or more between runs when they are on the lawn and ideally keep the boys upwind of the of the sows.

Thank you so much! Yeah i dont plan to move them closer the plan would be to move them up stairs which is carpet (messy piggies) and they wouldnt get as much interaction as we spend majority of our time down stairs.
So thank you and have a wonderful day!
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