Junior Guinea Pig
Hi All
I'm new to the forum, i just want to run something past you. I have a 6 week old baby boy guinea pig (rescued) that i want to bond with a pair of baby 4 week old boys (rescue also), i guess if i'm going to do it i need to do it now while they're little but i'm wondering whether to just look for a single baby boy for him instead and have 2 pairs? advice would be great!
I'm new to the forum, i just want to run something past you. I have a 6 week old baby boy guinea pig (rescued) that i want to bond with a pair of baby 4 week old boys (rescue also), i guess if i'm going to do it i need to do it now while they're little but i'm wondering whether to just look for a single baby boy for him instead and have 2 pairs? advice would be great!