Male guinea pig passed away how to help lone piggie


New Born Pup
Jan 2, 2017
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My oldest boy passed away this morning I held him in my arms as he passed and buried him this morning. He died of organ failure, I adopted him from a pretty bad situation and I only had him for a few weeks, unfortunately. I still bawled like a baby when he passed. My question is his little brother Skqee is healthy and I don't want him to be lonely but I don't know what to do. Should I adopt a new male tomorrow and let him see him from across the room? Should I wait to give him some time to grieve? Currently, he is still eating and drinking and gets excited when I clean the cage and give more hay. But he does spend more time in his house. His brother and him were inseparable so I think in the coming days it may hit him hard. If this matters I keep both my boys and girls cages in the same room they never acknowledge each other. I have 3 girls who are very vocal. Rip peter parker <3
I’m so sorry for your loss.

When you get him a new friend depends on how he is coping. If he is ok, then you have a couple of weeks to find a character compatible friend for him. If he is struggling being alone then he will need a new friend sooner,

The best way to find a new friend is with the help of a rescue centre so that you can be sure they are compatible.
If you don’t have a centre near you, and have to buy from a pet shop, you will need a plan b in living arrangements in case the bonding fails.

If a new piggy you get is under four months of old, then the neutral territory bonding needs to happen straight away as young piggies cannot be by themselves.
If you are not going to bond straight away then their cages need to be side by side so they can get to know each other through the bars, not across the room.

Do bear in mind that its good that your boys have fine with having sows in the room but any new boar may not have had the same experience of sow pheromones and his reaction may be stronger.
I’m so sorry you lost Peter. He passed surrounded by your love. Popcorn high at the bridge Peter Parker. Good luck finding a new buddy for Skqee. Take care.
I’m so sorry you have lost little Peter Parker, sending you hugs x
You could keep Skqee in an adjoining cage for now near your girls but you must make sure that he cannot break out and get in with them. Boars can be VERY determined to get to sows so you really need a secure conventi9nal cage or a double height C&C cage so he cannot jump out
Sleep tight little man 🌈
So very sorry for your loss.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
You may only have had Peter Parker for a few weeks but piggies make their home in our hearts very quickly.