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Male Guinea Pig Fight Left Wounds- How Should I Treat Them?

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New Born Pup
Jul 25, 2016
Reaction score
Yesterday I was doing floor time in a big space with my two guinea pigs who are brothers, Alan and Blondie. I left them alone for a little bit to clean their cage. They live together in one cage but they are seperated from each other because they always use to have little squabbles that die off in a little time. When I came back I saw blood and tuffs of hair on the floor. On Blondie there were two bites on his side that were still bleeding. On Alan there was a really deep gash near his heart on his belly. My sister and I cleaned there wounds with water and a cloth and put them back into their cages. They were staying in their houses the whole night and were eating. How should I treat them?
Pleaae keep them seperate from now on- including at floor time. Sadly a bloody fight usually means the end of the relationship for boars.

Id bathe the wounds in cooled, boiled salt water solution and pat dry. However, if any wounds are still profusely bleeding, please see a vet incase they need sutured.

If they are deep but bleeding has stopped, i'd still see a vet at some point as the piggy with wounds on his underside is at risk of infection due to the area being so close to the ground.
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