Male And Female

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 19, 2013
Reaction score
wasn't sure which category to put this in so I apologise in advance is it not right.

We already have two boys in desperate cages, we have the chance to take a older female pig in to help someone out as her friend just died and needs other pigs around, the question I want to ask is, will bringing a female pig in, in a separate cage torment the boys? Also the pig is an out door pig we would have her in doors.

Any advice would be much appreciated
It depends on your boys to be honest. It's never bothered by boys. I don't have female pigs at home but when they go boarding there are often sows in the same room and it doesn't phase them at all. But I know other people may find different.... If your boys are already separate I don't think it should cause too much issue as they can't fall out with each other.

If she is in a separate room I would think there is less issue although they will still smell her on your clothes etc. If they are in the same room, keep the cages as far apart as is practical should help...

Sorry I can't be more help than that. Would you consider neutering one of your boys to be her companion? That way two of them can be less lonely? Just a thought to consider...
Our big man Mohsni we had to split up because he was very snappy, not sure if feel comfortable introducing them as companions, but our boys are in separate cages right next to each other they get lots of fuss, great food and plenty of floor time so they are very happy. Just a bit worried as we have never taken an older pig but we feel like it's the right thing to do so she has companions close by that she can hear, smell and see
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