Male And Female Bonding Problems

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Nigel Tucker

New Born Pup
Mar 8, 2015
Reaction score
Gloucestershire, United Kingdon
I have two rescue Guinea Pigs. Both were from the RSPCA and are roughly 16 months old. Until recently they got on very well with only a few minor squabbles. More recently the neutered Male Guinea Pig has become pretty aggressive towards the female. He now struts around with his hackles constantly raised and try's to pin her to the ground a lot. She doesn't like his new behavior at all and spends most of the time running away from him. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know much about this! Maybe you could contact the RSPCA branch and ask them for advice. Please could you add your location to your profile.
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Does he behave this way all the time? It sounds from what you say that the sow is not very receptive to his advances, which to be fair is usually the way unless she is in season, in which case she allows herself to be caught. Maisy and Poppy's advice to contact the RSPCA, where you got them is a possibility, or maybe a local rescue could help (rescues have lots of experience with bonding). If your boar is pestering too much, it may help to introduce another sow to take the heat off a bit (excuse the pun). In the meantime, make sure that all your hideys have two entrances, so your girl can escape and isn't cornered and monitor the situation. let us know how you get on. x
My neutered boar behaves the same way around his two wives and sometimes it gets pretty heated in the cage although I must admit, I have never seen Enoch try and pin his girls down.

Could he be trying to become top pig and just asserting his dominance?

I'm afraid I can't offer anymore advise other than what has already been mentioned but it sounds like normal boar / sow behaviour to me.
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