Dilly's Piggies
Teenage Guinea Pig
The vet did explain to me but apparently my mind was wandering at the time and I seem to have forgotten everything she told me!
My 2 year old sow Harriet has had issues with a snuffly nose for most of her life, last week we found out why. She had a skull xray and permanent damage to one of her sinuses was found. I just don't remember whether it was the left or right side and what exactly tells you it's damaged on the xray... Obviously I can see both sides are drastically different, I just don't remember which is normal and which is abnormal. I also don't remember if it was chronic rhinitis or chronic sinusitis that was the cause.
Can any piggy pros on here help me make sense of this? Many thanks!
My 2 year old sow Harriet has had issues with a snuffly nose for most of her life, last week we found out why. She had a skull xray and permanent damage to one of her sinuses was found. I just don't remember whether it was the left or right side and what exactly tells you it's damaged on the xray... Obviously I can see both sides are drastically different, I just don't remember which is normal and which is abnormal. I also don't remember if it was chronic rhinitis or chronic sinusitis that was the cause.
Can any piggy pros on here help me make sense of this? Many thanks!