Making friends with my pigs

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Ive had my pigs for about 7 months now. When i got them, they weren't babies but still weren't fully grown. I have no idea how old they are. The problem I'm having is that they seem to still be quite scared of me no matter how many veggies i use to bribe them. They were being kept in horrible conditions before i took them and had hardly any handling at all. They have improved to the stage where most of the time they will come out of hiding for veggies but will retreat at any movement from me even if really hungry. Lap time is okay mostly. The boy just sits quietly and the girl scrambles around looking for a hidey hole (usually underneath the boy). I have seen some popcorning but not when I'm interacting with them. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if they might just need a lot of time to readjust to happy life. I really want them to feel comfortable with me but it seems no matter how much time i spend with them, the improvements are slow and minor. Any suggestions?
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