Making Cage Liners

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
Atherton, UK
So I am looking to make some cage liners for my girls. I have the fleece and the sewing machine just need a bit of help.

What is the best thing for me to sew in between the layers of fleece to absorb the pee and leaky water bottles!
I don't want to stitch towels in as I think it will then be too thick for the sewing machine.
I am wondering whether to use a double layer of batting or to use furniture removal blankets, one double layer per liner (link below).
Does anyone have any experience with making liners and what would be best to use?
Removal Transit Furniture Blankets - 200x150cm (80"x60")
I think both those things are fine. You sont need a double layer of absorbent stuff for the full cage liner, one layer is fine. But for the specific wee areas and water areas you could make more absorbent smaller pads using a double layer.
Another option is the quilted mattress protector as an absotbant later.

Also, a good tip I picked up watched SqueakDreams YouTube tutorial on cage liners is to trim the corners very close to the stitchig so when you turn it right way round corners go nice and pointy rather than big and bunchy.
I made liners with 2 layers of furniture removal pads. They are very good and very absorbent. The sewing machine managed them just fine. The corners and edges can be quite thick tho...I learned this the first time, so when I made them again I sewed my fleece together first and left a gap, then after turning it the right way out, shoved the furniture moving blanket (cut slightly smaller than the fleece) inside, and then sewed around again an inch or so in to keep everything in place. Then sewed the hole closed and that's you. I found this way the liners were much less bulky, and as long as you cut the fleece a bit bigger than what you need it works great X


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