Make me feel better? Dominance

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Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
Portsmouth UK
I've asked this in the wrong place - so am reposting here.

Rodney (aged 2) and Billy (aged 9 months) have been living together since Sunday. Billy is mounting Rodney alot, and whilst they are living together nicely in the main, eating together, sleeping together, Rodney is making alot of moany squeaky noises now & doesn't like it, he wriggles away & boots Billy off. Rodney will run off & go into the bedroom area.

I have read a million times that this is normal, but the noises Rodney is making are getting more & more frequent & I'm finding it distressing! I am so nervous. I can't enjoy Billy at all because I feel as though I am just waiting for something bad to happen to my sweet little Rodney.

I assume because Rodney is eating, and is coming out & bimbling about that he isn't living in fear? I hope he isn't miserable!

I wanted to get him a new friend for his sake, altho I actually think he was fairly content on his own - but I didn't realise how nervous it would make ME!

Make me feel better?! Haha inbreeding
I think the squealing is just him telling the other to leave him alone. As long as Billy is taking the hint it should all be fine. I assume Billy is the dominant one? My girls Freya (who is bottom sow) will squeal if Lexi (top sow) tries to get in the same box as her. Due to the age difference of your boys, I would say there's no immediate risk that they will fall out. It's just Billy reaching his most hormonal stage testing his place. Maybe getting a soft toy will help as he may then take his sexual frustrations out on that instead of Rodney :)
Thank you! I just like getting reassurance! ;) they're getting cleaned in a bit & little Ted is going in to hopefully become the focus of Billy's affections...

Originally I worried if I did this he may become possessive of it, but seems you're all doing it so I'll gI've it a go...
Thank you! I just like getting reassurance! ;) they're getting cleaned in a bit & little Ted is going in to hopefully become the focus of Billy's affections...

Originally I worried if I did this he may become possessive of it, but seems you're all doing it so I'll gI've it a go...

Definitely putting a teddy in will help - my bonded boys have 2 teddies in their cage - when Shadow gets a bit too frisky and Elvis runs away he turns to his teddies - helps ease any tension in their relationship - although they do have a very close relationship, they both mount one another quite frequently and do have popcorning frenzies afterwards :))

I posted about this with my two girls a short while ago and so I know how worrying it can be, I was waiting for something bad to happen but it hasn't. Titch is quite alot smaller than Ruby and she squeaks all the time when Ruby is rumbblestrutting about at her as if she is saying 'please leave me be' and today ran up the ramp and went out the way to a tent up there, I do feel sorry for her as she is doing nothing half of the time and Ruby just goes looking for her and starts strutting about. I have stopped worrying alot now as she does let her feed and drink and leaves her be to nap. It does seem to be a cage thing as they lie out on my knee best budddies. I guess if yours are the same they will be ok. I didn't even know this went on with guineas especially girls. I suppose it is a good job one of them is quiet. I hope it reasures you. Regards, Silly.
I have put a teddy in tonight but as I just cleaned them it seems to have been exhausting & they're both away to bed!

Thanks for posting that it's so reassuring to read its going on elsewhere. I'm finding the new boy Billy really difficult, he gets so angry with me & doesn't want to be handled & I just feel he may have a temper.

But Rodney is eating fine & fairly chilled really I am probably the only one with a problem.

I just never had any of this with Rodney & his brother so I feel really weird about it all. I've been so lucky, and I never have to chase Rodney to catch him. It's horrible! I don't remember Rodney ever being this tricky.... :{
Hi Pamelakt,

Well the teddy was worth a try, you can't win can you. What I have noticed with my quieter one which may happen with yours in the end (I have only had mine a month but it has gone on from day one being here the rumbblestrutting) is Rodney might stick up for himself in the end, Titch takes so much then she starts back a bit then Ruby leaves her alone so that might happen. You can only be bullied so much so to speak. The squeaking you mean is the same here it only really happens when Ruby is strutting near her but they never fight just faces together (which I don't like), following her about, sniffing her but then Titch reacts back and puts her in her place. Just thought I would write to let you know I understand about you worrying. Kind regards, Silly.
I think it'd be awful if Rodney did that tho being boys it's dangerous isn't it? He seems to move himself out the way & is pretty tolerant but I do hope he's not unhappy & I don't want him to be picked on he's such a gentle little man.

Trying to catch Billy to clean them was murder last night I'm sure he'd attack me given half a chance, he gets very angry. Makes me worry for Rodney. But he does seem content they eat together etc & when I woke up this morning were sat together on top of their hidey waiting for breakfast.

Horrible tho isn't it! I hope Rodney is actually happier having a friend...
I mean I know they say not to keep one alone, but are they really happy gettin chased about!? It must be so annoying!
Hi Pamelakt,

Yeah you've just put how I feel in to words. Its difficult to say how you feel about them doing it over the internet but yeah I know how you feel and to experts it is just 'natural behaviour'. I suppose if your quiet one is eating, drinking and sleeping ok then he must be fine. They don't seem to do anything to warrant been stalked do they? I am typing this and Ruby is at it at the moment to Titch, she won't do anything to warrant her doing it, I say leave her alone, don't know why she can't understand me. When I got mine I honestly thought Ruby was a boy she is so grumpy and she seems to ignore Titch as a partner as if she would be happy on her own, whereas Titch licks her ears and she just reacts nastily. I guess, you should just keep an eye on them and unless they fight and draw blood they are ok, have you got two hideys, bowls etc, tubes as that helps. I had them out on my lap an hour ago and Ruby actually was licking Titch's ear. Mad. Good luck, Silly xx.
Awe thanks, no they don't do anything it's so annoying! I'm watching them now & Rodney is eating & Billy is just mooching about not bothering with him. But when he does mount Rodney & he cries, i find it upsetting.

Rodney does seem pretty chilled so he can't be too bothered. I hate to think of him beng bossed about! Esp by a little ginge half his age! Haha.

Guess we are just protective pig mummy's ;/ glad someone else feels the same! Xx
I think I understand how you feel.

I had Hazelnut first and got Peanut Butter as a baby to make Hazelnut happy. They have been together 11 months now and in all that time and still continuing PB mounts Hazelnut, Hazlenut shrugs him off and PB popcorns. The frequency has diminished over time that's all. Hazelnut is the quiet one. The only time he retaliated was when PB got boar glue all over him. Hazelnut chased PB all over the cage all day long with PB squealing his head off the whole time.

Whenever PB wanted to cuddle with Hazelnut, H would just move away. PB would scream enough to shatter eardrums whenever he was separated from Hazelnut, but H never minded being away from PB.

So, I often worried that Hazelnut was unhappier having Peanut Butter around. I would even hug him and ask him if he was happy or not - not that he ever answered! But a few weeks ago Hazelnut actually starting pining in his own quiet way when separated from PB and since then he allows PB to cuddle with him for about 10 minutes at least.

It's been a long haul but I think it's all worked out. Your 2 boys sound so much like my 2 I hope it works out the same in the end.
Since replying to you Pamelakt about it being ok if there is no blood things have gone mad here today. Ruby (bossy) one is trying to mount Titch and just won't leave her alone, it is worrying when she is in the tunnel and Ruby goes in there to her and like yours Ruby popcorns when she has done it, what's that all about? I honestly felt so upset this morning watching Ruby doing it as Titch squeaks alot even when she starts rumbbling near her.
It is as if they don't suit each other and Titch should have a different temperament guinea and then suddently it goes quiet.
I know what you mean you do feel really sorry for the quieter one because you don't know how stressed they feel and you put them together not them.
I guess I am not used to it and when they are inside you see their behaviour more. .
I will be worrying when I go out later I know I will. I'd say don't worry but that is daft when I worry as well. Silly x.
Oh dear, it is such a worry! It's sad titch squeaks even when she's not touching her. I've found Rodney is even more vocal when I'm cuddling him now!

How big is your cage? If you have c&c maybe going bigger would help?

My 2 are getting on ok I watched alot this morning, they have calm spells but then other times Billy just goes nuts! He's off his head I think! He doesn't jump Rodney just sort of leans on him. But Rodney does seem ok with it & he's not stopping him eating or anything they even share the food bowl & hay rack if I put 2 in they only want to use one.

I guess all we can do is try keep a watch & if you notice teeth chattering that's when to really watch. I came home for lunch a few times in the week as I was worried but I've relaxed a bit now... I still don't like it tho ;/
Been watching the boys this evening, think I am feeling a bit better about things. Rodney is really quite content, he has started to jump up & face Billy when he's mounting him which I am wary of - but there's no teeth chattering & Billy just runs off popcorning.

Sometimes Rodney likes to sleep randomly all over the cage rather than in his bedroom cos he gets hot - and I've noticed Billy trots around him & doesn't disturb him when he is sleeping. Quite like that...

Not 100% still, but starting to warm to it. Billy also let me stroke him in the cage tonight without running off which is an improvement, altho he's a right wriggler to hold I'm not used to it! My rex boys have always been so placid Rodney is so cuddly.

Getting there slowly I hope....!

Have posted a few pix of them here
Hi Pamelakt,

Glad to hear you are a bit happier about them. Billy letting you stroke him like that is a good sign he is getting tamer isn't it, Titch is a long way off from that I think, they way she is going about 5 years off. She was like a wild mouse when I got her.

Yeah, I did have an indoor pet shop cage about 120 cm long but after joining the forum noticed everyone had the grid cages (I didn't even know about them) so wasted my money basically on a plastic cage and then bought the grids from ebay.

They are in my living room so the cage is 3" off of 4' x 2' with 2' x 1' loft. I will maybe go 1 grid bigger when I can convince my other half about it, so it will be nearer 5' x 2' . It is a bit big as it is in the living room but I get away with it. You sound like you have one already.

My two have calmed down today, I think they have pmt for about a day after reading about them, so now I see a pattern happening I think I will calm down about them (I hope).

Rodney is a great name, never heard of that before. Sounds like Billy should be Del Boy by how cocky he is. Regards, Silly x.
Oh good, maybe do yes us ladies all suffer from this! Haha

I do have c&c now only since Last week, so far I hate it but I've not finished it yet. I wish I could go bigger my flat is so pathetic ;(

I love the name Rodney for him haha, his brother was called Rufus but Billy was already named & I've just kept it because he was a billy no mates, and he thinks he's billy big spuds so it suits him!

Hi Pamelakt,

If you're short of room if you have some spare grids you could do an upstairs, sounds like Billy would love racing up and down the ramp.
Yeah I think he probably would, I'm still getting to grips with the c&c but I will likely venture into that in the near future...

When I move next year I am going full on pig mansion!
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