Maisy sitting in her wee

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Just had to bath Maisy, as her bottom was wet and tacky where she keeps sitting in her wee, She has always been a very lazy guinea pig,she is not very active at all, just lately her bum end always seems wet, her hutch is kept really clean, newspaper, megazorb and hay, and is cleaned out twice weekly,but she usually sits in the igloo.
If she is out in the run after munching on grass she sits in her box for hours, when i go to put her away, she is soaked with wee and sitting in it and her poops. Star who lives with her doesn't have this problem or my other two piggies in the other hutch. Is it just because she is such a lazy girl? I rehomed her from a rescue, and I don't know how old she is, so was wondering if maybe she is getting on a bit? any ideas? or tips would be great Thanks guys.
Don't quote me for this but I think it could be beggining stages of cystitis or something similar. My Thomas was wet when she had it so maybe keep a close eye on her but like I said don't quote me on it :-\
My Belle was like this, wet underneath on her rear end after having treatment for cystitis she is now fine O0
Hi there
I have a one year old sow called chew and she has always got a wet bottom and underneath, i never thought anything was wrong with her i just thought she was a messy pup, she is mainly white so she is becoming orange underneath, i am so glad i read this as i will get her checked out now for cyctyus ? (spelt wrong) thanks a lot :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
One of mine was wet underneath when she had cystitis, i don't know if that's the case with maisy though because when i first got mine they used to sit in their igloos most of the time and they were wet underneath purely because they were sitting in wee, not too sure to be honest? Maybe take her to the vets and ask them what they think? x
Since bathing her she has been dry, i will keep an eye on her though, my hunch is maisy is just a lazy girl, so will check her igloo is clean a couple of times a day x
i did read on the net though that you can attach a second water bottle with 50/50 water and cranberry juice (one with no added sugars) which they may enjoy drinking and can keep infections at bay. might do this as a precaution for all of them.
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