Main Difference Between Boys And Girls?

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New Born Pup
Mar 31, 2014
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Hello everyone. A little while ago I was watching 2 male gps for a friend of mine while he was on vacation. Anyway, I kinda noticed the boys started feeling comfortable really quickly at my place, wheeking and everything whenever they hear you enter. Which brings up my question: Are boys more cuddly than girls? Do they like spending time with their owners more than females? I'ts like they care less about things than girls, sort of... I've only had female gps, and they seem kinda different? What do you think? :)
Tricky one as every pig is unique. I would say my boys are more laid back but only because most of my sows are little divas. The boys are happy as long as they have their girls and their hay. The girls are more demanding. However, with 2 boars there is the likelihood of dominance behaviour in the teenage years.
Piggies are such individualists! It also depends in which kind of frame you are keeping them. If piggies are living in a group of sows (with or without a neutered boar), then their main focus is inevitably the group and the many group dynamics. If you have a couple of piggies that you are around a lot of the time and do lots with, then they will become much relaxed and interactive with you.

I know and have known very laid-back sows and boars that didn't like being handled at all. Generally, boars are more laid-back than sows, and they tend to mellow more once they are past their teenage hormones whereas sows can get more cantankerous and particular as they got older. Sows are wired to live in a core group, reproduce and have responsibilites for the babies (their own and other sows) and the group. Unless a boar has got his own harem to play peacemaker in, he hasn't got many responsibilities, as the bachelor boars hang only loosely around the core group. That gives both gender a very different outlook. But additionally, you have amibitious dominant sows and boars who will do their best to rise into a position of authority and submissive personalities in both genders who are very happy to have others looking out for them. Some are very caring whereas others like to very much do their own stuff.
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