Mags' weird behaviour


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Mags has started displaying a strange behaviour since the start of this week. Her late sister Penny used to do the same actions occasionally and the vet couldn't find anything wrong. Has anyone come across this before?:

Mags' weird behaviour
Hmmm…not something I’ve come across.

It made me think of having itches all over but not being able to get to it?
It's certainly a strange one (suddenly feels itchy). Mags is not scratching and doesn't have any sign of skin issues from what I can see. Ovarian cysts have given her thinner patches of hair on her back but she's otherwise in good condition for a nearly 5 year old. She has been in season since yesterday evening much to Jazz's disgust. I'm taking her to the vets Thursday for a check up so will run it past them and see what they come up with
I've come across it before with my piggies, if I recall correctly mostly sows. Tbh I went to the vet's about enough stuff already and just left dancing piggies to it. Though I can understand wanting to get an explanation for it. iirc this habit came and went, it didn't gradually increase till piggie passed or anything like that.
Thanks, I think I'm probably twitchy with the recent run we've had - we lost Lexi and Penny from Mags' group and have a couple of piglets under vet care. Mags is seeing the vet for the white / cream gunk which collects under her top lip. It smells a little funky. The vet who checked her over earlier this month couldn't find a hole but if the gunk is there, she becomes reluctant to eat until we've cleaned it.
I’ve not come across this before so nothing constructive to add - just support. I can understand why you’d be worried - it’s very unusual. Hope you can get to the bottom of what’s causing it.
Mags has started displaying a strange behaviour since the start of this week. Her late sister Penny used to do the same actions occasionally and the vet couldn't find anything wrong. Has anyone come across this before?:

Mags' weird behaviour


She looks itchy/irritated but cannot reach the relevant spot? I have seen this kind of behaviour in some piggies of mine with mange mites and limited mobility (when they can no longer bite a mange spot) or more rarely with 'teddy skin' (non-parasitic/fungal breed specific hairloss syndrome).
Brillo does this. He is an elderly Teddy (6.5 years), has hair loss and dry skin which I imagine is sometimes itchy. With his arthritis he can't always reach the spot he wants to scratch! If I see him doing it I give him a gentle brush in the hope I get to the itch. He is on daily Metacam which I think helps, he doesn't seem to do it so often these days.
Thank you for your replies. I think Mags is a Teddy cross. She has similar hair to Dave who is a Teddy but it's much softer and slightly longer than his, especially around the back and crinklier whiskers than Audrey who's an Aby mix:
