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Mags - 5 year old sow diagnosed with ovarian tumour


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
I took Mags to see the vets today as she lost around 45g in weight over the 4 weeks of February. Mags normally has v-shaped hair loss on her back and as boss pig, takes no prisoners. The hair started to grow back during the 4 week period. She was booked in for an ultrasound and a conscious x-ray to try and find the root cause of the weight loss. The vet found a 2 cm x 2 cm solid mass where her ovary should be on the left hand side, near to her kidney. No sign of any other issues visible. We've been given Metacam but the vet thinks it's too risky to put Mags through surgery to remove the mass (something about the midline or flank accessibility).

Has anyone experienced this before? Did you opt for surgery?

Mags seems well in herself (a little stressed from visiting the vets along with her sister Jazz) and weighs around 1.2kg.
Hi I have no experience at all but just wanted to say we are all here for you I'm sure an expert will be along soon.
Meanwhile I will keep Mags in my prayers whilst you look after her 💗
Thanks, we've come back with Jazz having problems with her legs which we think is down to spending too long in one place and Taz having two antibiotics for swelling in his tooth roots (luckily his tooth crowns don't need burring) too. Dave is having sympathy stress feelings- it's terrible when you are the only boar left in the house!