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Mabel’s heart investigations


Forum Donator 2024/25
Oct 22, 2019
Reaction score
London UK
Hi all

It’s been a while since I posted but I hope you and your pigs are doing ok.

Last August we got Mabel from a rescue, she is now just under 2 years old. She was one of 16 pigs abandoned when a couple moved out of their flat. Mabel’s had two general vet checks since we got her, and she had a clean bill of health both times. She seems happy and healthy, eats well, engages well etc. She does move less than our other pig and is less inclined to do things like climb the bars but she can run and jump when she’s motivated to (she has been known to get on top of a carrot cottage for example!)

Last Monday she started making a clicking noise so we took her to the vets that day, suspecting something respiratory. I was expecting to come away with URI meds. On examination they said there was crackling sound and fluid build-up. I was quite shocked when the vet suggested we hospitalise her there and then so they can try her on furosemide and keep an eye on her overnight in case she needed oxygen support, but that’s what we did. Next day she was doing much better, the drugs had made a huge difference. I’m glad it helped but also gutted if that means she possibly/probably (?) has a heart condition, especially as she’s not even 2 years old.
Tomorrow she is having a heart scan. They said this would be done consciously but that if the results of that suggest follow up activity or tests, she would need sedation or anaesthetic. For example if they needed to drain any fluid or do further blood tests and X Ray which they would advise we do there and then if needed (if we agree). We really want to get to the bottom of what’s happening with her so we can get her on the best care plan and prepare ourselves for whatever is next. I don’t have any objections to the process or the costs and we know she is in good hands (experienced exotics team) but I am very anxious about the risks.

Do any of you have experience of your pigs going through these procedures that you could share?

Is there additional risk to heart disease pigs of having anaesthetic that I need to be aware of? I am really nervous about this.

Any particular questions I should be asking the vets about the pros and cons of these procedures? The conscious scan seems fine but the rest is a bit less clear to me. Heart and lungs is one of the areas we haven’t had to deal with yet.

Would really appreciate hearing others’ experiences if possible.

Thanks all

Sorry - edit - I think the vets said she *may* need sedation or anaesthetic if they need to do follow up procedures, depending what they were.
It's not something I have experience of but I hope it's easily fixable and Mabel gets well soon.
Thanks very much. Not sure what to expect from any of this but she’s a lovely happy girl and I hope the prognosis isn’t too bad.

She’s been on 0.16 frusol 3 times a day since she was discharged and luckily she seems to love the taste and wrestle the syringe. Not sure it’s great for her to take long term in terms of side effects but I shouldn’t jump the gun, we’ll have to wait and see what the vets recommend after the tests.

Thanks again.
The vets emailed me back and they’ve said they’ll talk it all through with me when I take Mabel in the morning.

If the heart scan is conclusive they may not need to do more tests, but if they think it’s in her best interest to do X-rays and bloods then I think I’ll take a deep breath and go with it. I know it’s the right thing because we need to know what’s what, I’m just sad about the idea of taking a pig who seems quite happy today, to put her in a situation where she might potentially not survive the anaesthetic. Hopefully it won’t be a strong dose if she does need any. I’ll update on what they find in case it’s helpful information for anyone else in the future.
I don’t have any experience of this but want to send healing vibes to Mabel. ❤️
She is beautiful :luv: I hope that you get a good outcome at the vets tomorrow. Sending good vibes to her xx
Update, in case helpful for anyone in the future:

Mabel had a scan of her heart and thorax area todsy and nothing was found so they’ve taken bloods and we’re also pencilled in for a CT scan. Will keep you posted.

Here’s her discharge plan:
Thanks for the support and advice.
Another update! Mabel’s been sounding a bit crackly since we got her home and coughed a couple of times. Not sure if that’s to do with the brief gas she has today for her blood test or if it’s because we slightly reduced her frusol as per vet guidance?

Waiting for the out of hours vets to call back and hoping we can manage at home with the frusol until her appointment on Friday.