Senior Guinea Pig
Tia has always had lumps & bumps, these have not grown & I have monitored them. Yesterday I checked her & one of her lumps has trebled in size. She is a senior lady 7&/1/2 to 8 years old. She eats well is fairly active, she has arthritis in one of her back legs. She has lost a little weight, but nothing major.
Is this the end.
she can be sleepy, although she eats her parsley with relish & loves her cuddles.
i don’t want to put her threw a op.
Can anything be down, or do l accept, there’s nothing can be done.
Is this the end.
she can be sleepy, although she eats her parsley with relish & loves her cuddles.
i don’t want to put her threw a op.
Can anything be down, or do l accept, there’s nothing can be done.