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Lump with red dots above butt


New Born Pup
Jun 8, 2019
Reaction score
Czech Republic
Hello, today I noticed this lump above my guinea pig's butt. Do you have any idea what it could be? I can see little red dots on it, the camera makes it look more bloody than it actually is. It doesn't seem to cause him any pain when I touch it, he is very active and has a big appetite. No vet is available on Sundays and my specialist on guinea pigs is on maternity leave, will a normal vet be enough for this? Is there something I could do for him now?

He is almost 3 years old, has 1400g (surprisingly not fat just really big piggy), and didn't have any health issues until now. His little brother died a month ago due to a weak heart, but he has a new friend with who he gets along well.


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That’s close to his grease gland. Any lumps should be checked out so do try and get him an appointment with the vet.

There isn’t anything you can do for him for now. Hopefully it’s something simple enough. Could the vet consult with your usual, if she is okay with that?
Please do have him seen by a vet.

We can’t tell you what is wrong but it looks to be in the area of his grease gland so please do have him checked
I agree with the others, please have your boy seen by a vet. And please let us know how you get on.,
Thank you for your replies. I am trying to get appointment with vet, but the one I usually go to is unavailable and others are full and they are not even focusing on these small exotic pets 😔

Hopefully I will be more successful tomorrow.