• Discussions taking place within this forum are intended for the purpose of assisting you in discussing options with your vet. Any other use of advice given here is done so at your risk, is solely your responsibility and not that of this forum or its owner. Before posting it is your responsibility you abide by this Statement


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
United states
So about a week and 1/2 to 2 weeks ago we found a lump on the back left side of one of our guinea pigs and I was wondering if anyone could try and help we have a vet appointment on 7/24/24 CST I've attached photos of the lump in the blue square


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Lumps can be so many different things. Fatty lumps, cysts, abscesses, benign or cancer. So it’s great you have an appointment for them to get it checked out. Good luck. Most lumps turn out to be nothing to worry about.
So about a week and 1/2 to 2 weeks ago we found a lump on the back left side of one of our guinea pigs and I was wondering if anyone could try and help we have a vet appointment on 7/24/24 CST I've attached photos of the lump in the blue square


Lumps sitting loosely in the skin are generally harmless but we cannot tell you what any lump could be without hands-on access and if needed an aspiration (although the latter can be sometimes problematic). There are simply too many possibles that all pretty much the same.

Thankfully the overwhelming majority of lumps turn out to be benign and only need removing if they become a problem. Your aim is to know whether it is a lump that just needs monitoring or whether it is a lump that needs dealing with depending on its nature.

Any guessing games on here won't help you because they cannot give you the answer you crave and ultimately only serve to fan the flames of your anxiety if this turns into an one-upmanship showing-off game as to who can come up with the most obscure information.
It is one of the reasons why we have introduced section monitors and mods to handle the advice because the owner's mental well-being is as important to us as the health of their guinea pigs. In our view, a thread should firmly centre on both the piggy's and owner's needs and not on who knows the most and is the greatest 'expert'. None of us is a vet. Different people may mention different aspects or avenues but you will never get a quarrel over who is right unless something mentioned is plain wrong, dangerous or seriously outdated and useless. We try not to bring up any worst case scenarios until they really apply and then you'll get our full ongoing support.

We can give possible avenues to check yourself at home to help narrow down an issue wherever possible or to help you know what to bring up during a vet examination especially where vet access is not easy so a member can make the most of it by asking the right questions - but that is an entirely different kettle of fish. And that is why your location can play a role in what we are asking or mentioning so your piggy gets the most help possible wherever in the world with our nuanced and individualised approach on here. ;)

All the best!

Lumps sitting loosely in the skin are generally harmless but we cannot tell you what any lump could be without hands-on access and if needed an aspiration (although the latter can be sometimes problematic). There are simply too many possibles that all pretty much the same.

Thankfully the overwhelming majority of lumps turn out to be benign and only need removing if they become a problem. Your aim is to know whether it is a lump that just needs monitoring or whether it is a lump that needs dealing with depending on its nature.

Any guessing games on here won't help you because they cannot give you the answer you crave and ultimately only serve to fan the flames of your anxiety if this turns into an one-upmanship showing-off game as to who can come up with the most obscure information.
It is one of the reasons why we have introduced section monitors and mods to handle the advice because the owner's mental well-being is as important to us as the health of their guinea pigs. In our view, a thread should firmly centre on both the piggy's and owner's needs and not on who knows the most and is the greatest 'expert'. None of us is a vet. Different people may mention different aspects or avenues but you will never get a quarrel over who is right unless something mentioned is plain wrong, dangerous or seriously outdated and useless. We try not to bring up any worst case scenarios until they really apply and then you'll get our full ongoing support.

We can give possible avenues to check yourself at home to help narrow down an issue wherever possible or to help you know what to bring up during a vet examination especially where vet access is not easy so a member can make the most of it by asking the right questions - but that is an entirely different kettle of fish. And that is why your location can play a role in what we are asking or mentioning so your piggy gets the most help possible wherever in the world with our nuanced and individualised approach on here. ;)

All the best!
I get no one is a vet haha and I'm not to worried it's not getting bigger by any means we have been watching like a hawk. I was just hoping someone had similar and could possibly give me a name but I really appreciate the advice
Hello all
Here is the link to og post
Thread 'Lump question' Lump question

We brought them to the vet they both have a clean bill of health.Sent blood work for babygirl for her lump the vet says it seems Benign but will find out for sure when blood work comes back.
That is great news! I hope that the lab test is going to confirm the finding.

PS: I have merged your threads.

If possible, please bookmark any Illness or Pregnancy/Baby threads of yours (which have ongoing support) so you can pick them up easily. It really helps us with keeping a case together but it also helps any people searching the forum not just for diagnoses but also outcomes.
Thank you. We truly appreciate updates and hearing how it has ended. All too often, we sadly don't.
That is great news! I hope that the lab test is going to confirm the finding.

PS: I have merged your threads.

If possible, please bookmark any Illness or Pregnancy/Baby threads of yours (which have ongoing support) so you can pick them up easily. It really helps us with keeping a case together but it also helps any people searching the forum not just for diagnoses but also outcomes.
Thank you. We truly appreciate updates and hearing how it has ended. All too often, we sadly don't.
Thank you for merging it and I did bookmark it thank you and not a problem you guys were so helpful and nice to me and with all the comments I figured everyone should have an update 😊 I'll keep everyone posted when the blood work gets back
Babygirl update: she's on an inflammation medication (silver) something


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Hello so I don't know what to do about a cyst my piggle has the vet says if we wanted to get rid of it but it will take surgery is it possible to just drain the cyst?
Also can someone translate what the lab test said into normal speak for me haha


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Hello so I don't know what to do about a cyst my piggle has the vet says if we wanted to get rid of it but it will take surgery is it possible to just drain the cyst?
Also can someone translate what the lab test said into normal speak for me haha

Cysts which are drained can just come back. Cysts which rupture can carry a risk of causing infection.
One of my rabbits has a small cyst which we are currently just keeping an eye on.
The best things to have a conversation with your vet. We aren’t vets so translating any medical language would need to be done by your vet.
Cysts which are drained can just come back. Cysts which rupture can carry a risk of causing infection.
One of my rabbits has a small cyst which we are currently just keeping an eye on.
The best things to have a conversation with your vet. We aren’t vets so translating any medical language would need to be done by your vet.
I did talk to the vet but they didn't explain much. They said it's not cancerous but it's also not an ingrown hair that's about it
I did talk to the vet but they didn't explain much. They said it's not cancerous but it's also not an ingrown hair that's about it

You can call them and say that you have some questions now you’ve had chance to look at the document and ask for further clarification and advice about your options.