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Lump On Top Of Numb Foot! Help!

MadPiggies :D

Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 1, 2017
Reaction score
I'm extremely worried about my piggie Optimus as I gave him and his brother some veg and noticed he seemed to be numb in his back leg and on top of his foot there was a big lump with dry black stuff around his nails. It's not Bumble foot as it's on the top of his foot and I can't find anything on it online! Please help! We are going to the vets soon xx
I'm extremely worried about my piggie Optimus as I gave him and his brother some veg and noticed he seemed to be numb in his back leg and on top of his foot there was a big lump with dry black stuff around his nails. It's not Bumble foot as it's on the top of his foot and I can't find anything on it online! Please help! We are going to the vets soon xx

Good that you are taking your boy to the vets as this is something that needs to be seen and assessed. It is likely some kind of injury/break.
Can he walk on that leg? Sounds like it could be a fracture. Hope the vet can find out and treat it asap
Good that you are taking your boy to the vets as this is something that needs to be seen and assessed. It is likely some kind of injury/break.
Thank you for the reply xx I think you may be right as recently they have been having some domenance issues! No blood has been drawn it just might have been when he's came off the platform in the cage xx thanks xx
Hey, hopefully the vet will be able to confirm what it is. Without pictures it will be difficult for people to tell what it is.
Sorry xx I'm on my phone and I'm not sure on how to download a picture xx thank you!
Has he been seen by a vet yet?
My Mam is ill so we should be going tomorrow but it's starting to look like some sort of tumour as it's gone like a huge red spot with something that looks like dry blood on it :( My poor baby ;(

All the best - it really needs to be seen! Sorry that mummy is so ill at the same time! Piggy emergencies tend to happen at the most inconvenient time. :(
Thank you for all the lovely replies.I'm feel quite stupid because I keep thinking too much about it and getting really emotional. I really hope he gets better and the vet trip goes well! It's just making me more sad hat they are having bad domenance issues ;(
Thank you for the lovely replies! We have been prescribed antibiotics and pain relief for both of them as we discovered same day that Witwicky top teeth have broken and are infected xx things seem to be improving! :)