Lump on my guineapig's lower belly


New Born Pup
Jan 20, 2022
Reaction score
Hii Friends,
I was giving my 2 guinea boys a bath yesterday because i noticed they were losing they're winter coat and wanted to make it a bit easier for them. I found a hard lump right above his genitals/his lower belly and it feels like its a hard swollen ball lodged in a veins? It has the tiniest red dot on it, the size of a grain of fine sand, but I'm so scared its the "calm before the storm". He hasnt been happy with me picking him up for a few weeks and i thought it was because he was getting older and felt differently about cuddles, but I'm now suspecting that while picking him up the pressure of my hand on his belly may have been hurting him. I'm so upset i didnt notice this sooner.
I'm going to be taking him to the vet as soon as i get the money but in the meantime i wanted to know if any of you have experienced anything similar and if you have any advice for me to help alleviate his pain and/or discomfort?
It’s great you are getting him seen by the vets. That way it can be sorted out quickly and he will feel better soon. Feel free to post a clear photo. But we’ll only be guessing, as you are. So a vet appointment is at the way to go. Good luck. Keep us posted.
Hii Friends,
I was giving my 2 guinea boys a bath yesterday because i noticed they were losing they're winter coat and wanted to make it a bit easier for them. I found a hard lump right above his genitals/his lower belly and it feels like its a hard swollen ball lodged in a veins? It has the tiniest red dot on it, the size of a grain of fine sand, but I'm so scared its the "calm before the storm". He hasnt been happy with me picking him up for a few weeks and i thought it was because he was getting older and felt differently about cuddles, but I'm now suspecting that while picking him up the pressure of my hand on his belly may have been hurting him. I'm so upset i didnt notice this sooner.
I'm going to be taking him to the vet as soon as i get the money but in the meantime i wanted to know if any of you have experienced anything similar and if you have any advice for me to help alleviate his pain and/or discomfort?

Hi and welcome

There is quite a number of 'lumps', so you always need to see a vet for a diagnosis and best treatment. If you are lucky, it is just a fatty lump. Lumps tend to come up quickly to a certain size so please do not beat yourself up over not noticing or accidentally hurting your boy.

All the best. There is no recommended home DIY treatment for lumps.
Hope you can get to a vet soon to find out what’s happening.
Hope it’s nothing serious.
Please keep us posted.