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Lump in groin area on female


New Born Pup
Feb 24, 2023
Reaction score
Wisconsin US
I am new here and glad to find this helpful guinea pig community I got a female hairless guinea pig from Petco. I already have two of them so she is my third. I brought her home and realized that she has a round lump that is in the groin area. It is about the size of a pea and is movable. I returned her to Petco and they are sending her to the vet on Tuesday this week. I’m just concerned and wondering if anybody has had this happen to their guinea pig. I’m wondering if it could be a hernia or a cyst? I don’t see anywhere that you can post a picture.
Thank you
Welcome to the forum

You can add a picture by pressing the ‘attach files’ button below the message box. It may not have been visible to you immediately while your registration is processing behind the scenes. You should be able to see it now though.

However, any lump always requires a hands on vet check so even with a picture we won’t know what is.

I hope she is ok
Welcome to the forum.
Sorry your new girl has a lump.
Hope It’s nothing serious.
Let US know what the vet says on Tuesday
Hello and welcome to the forum. I hope it’s something easily treatable 🤞🏻