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Low squeaking noise and trouble pooping


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 17, 2020
Reaction score

Just wanted a lil advice. I took my golden girl ciri to the vets as she has been squeaking when pooping. She has been given loxicom and had her first dose today. The vets were really nice (cat and rabbit clinic) and they suggested she take the loxicom and just to monitor her, and if things don’t change she’ll need an X-ray for bladder stones (but she couldn’t feel anything and she said it’s usually easy to feel when they have stones).

Anyway, she started making this weird noise when I got home? I just gave her the 2nd dose of loxicom and she’s stopped atm to eat hay but what a weird noise? I didn’t know if anyone had heard it before.

Is she in pain or just stressed? She’s eating and walking around fine. You can listen here: Noise I just captured the small part where she was loudest, she didn’t sound like this the whole time just very gentle, low noises.

If anyone knows what this noise means that would be nice, I want to keep her as comfy as possible. Thank you!

(Also please no questions with what the vets have said, cat and rabbit clinic are very good at their job and I fully trust them, I just wonder if there’s more I should be doing or if anyone else has had similar issues? I just get worried for my babies hahahaa!)
She is also eating and drinking fine btw! She’s a very happy, bright pig, just since I got home she seemed very anxious. Not sure if it’s just from the vets visit yesterday.
I’m not sure what the noise is unfortunately. It’s good you got her seen so quickly though.

I would suggest you start weighing her once daily at the same time, just to be sure she’s eating enough to maintain. Hopefully the loxicom will help her.

Hopefully someone with more experience will be along to answer more comprehensively soon. I hope she’s feeling better soon.