loves the cage too much?

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So my piggies live in the nero 4 with 2 extra added levels, and they are always running around and popcorning, but when I take them out for floor time, or to put them on my bed, Grissom will always walk to practiclly of the bed and stare at his cage all the time, if you put your hand in front of him to make sure he doesnt fall, he walks across your hands (as if you were making a bridge) until he is right outside cage, he wil then start squeaking and shuffling around ttrying to get off the bed until he is put back in his cage.

Any reason why he does this? and will he grow out of it? or do some piggies just not like been out of their cages.

(I have no problems whatsoever with my other one)
My pigs would have to be able to fly to get back into their cage so I can't help on that one but my rabbit has done this on previous occasions. When he has the run of the house he goes back into his own cage. I think it might be a territory thing for them but I imagine over time he might realise what a great opportunity he has to have a run around! It could also be that he feels safer in his own cage too.... plus that's where his food is!
hi, my pigs do this as their cage is about a metre away from the bottom of my bed, they sort of strain to see whats over there lol although my boys like to run around on the bed, they dont get to often though as they like to leave their mummy a little boy scent on her sheets :tickedoff:
when we get our boys out we take them downstairs, as if we stayed upstairs near their cage all they seem to want to do it dive back in there

maybe its because thats where they feel totally safe
Mine strain to get back in their cage if it has just been cleaned out. They run round like mad things and popcorn all over the place. I think it is a safety thing like you say. They know what to expect in there and it is their little safe place.
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