Love Is In The Eye Pt. 2


Teenage Guinea Pig
Jul 20, 2017
Reaction score
Elk Grove, California
This is part two. Part one is linked.

Day 9

Today was a great day! We met a squirrel and a frog and even found a new place to live! We live in a soft box now. I’m not sure what it’s normally for, but it’s a nice place to live. Brother even chews on it.

Usually we stay away from other animals, but a squirrel was out collecting food. We she came closer, I saw she was small, so I suspected she was a baby. She was scared at first, but it was fine after a little bit. I brought Brother out too, so she could see we meant no harm, but when she got bored, she ran away.

We also saw a frog who was sitting in the grass. I didn’t think it was very exciting, but Brother was enthralled with its movements. I wish more animals would come by. It’s not always so exciting just running around all day looking at stuff to do.

Brother and I made up a game. Its called I run, you run. It’s like the game that humans play called Simon Says or something. First, I run around in a big circle, then my brother does it too. Next, I run in and out of the box, then he does it too. It’s simple, but Brother doesn’t always pay attention, so he does the wrong thing.

Day 10

When I woke up, my brother was gone. I was really scared that he had gotten taken by a dog or the cat, but when I went outside, there were a few dandelions missing, so I knew he had just ventured off somewhere. I wish he had taken the time to wake me up and tell me where he was going.

I found him sleeping near a pile of something that looked like towels or clothes. He said he was sorry, but I know he didn’t mean it, ‘cause he’ll probably do it again. Since we were already out and about, I thought we could go across the street to the sweet smelling place. Ever since we’ve been living outside, I’ve smelled the tangy aroma coming from inside the building. People often go in and come out a little bit later.

We crossed at a narrower spot a little farther down the road, so we wouldn’t get hit by a car. When we got close to the building, I I could see it wasn’t in good shape. It looked like it had flooded pretty badly.

As we slyly moved closer, someone spotted us and started walking toward us. She looked familiar. When she bent down, I could clearly see it was Wendy and I knew my brother could too.

“Oh my goodness! It is so good to see you!” she exclaimed, “Goodness, you’re far away. I can’t believe you walked this far.”

After her “celebration,” we ran in the opposite direction as fast as we could. Wendy, startled, came after us. When we got to the white part, Brother crossed the street unexpectedly. I couldn’t slow down fast enough to go with him, but when I looked back, I could see a blob in the street. Immediately, I thought it was him, so I stopped as fast as I could. But when I looked back at where the blob was, it was gone.

Frightened, I spotted Brother across the street waiting for me. I only had a few seconds until Wendy caught up, so I shot across the street towards my brother. I was so relieved when I felt my paws hit the warm cement next to my brother. I don’t know what the blob was. Maybe I was just imagining my fate if I crossed when Brother did.

I could see Wendy’s heartbroken face as we disappeared into the bushes.

Day 11

It started raining again today. The box caved in when it got too wet, so we went back to the cabinet. The cabinet was a little wet inside, but it’ll do for now.

I am really thirsty. We drink out of puddles, but it doesn’t taste very good. I tried to find some clean water again today, but the rain just stirred up the mud at the bottom of the puddles again. We’ll have to wait a few more days until the dirt settles back at the bottom.

I am also pretty hungry. I think my brother is too, but he has always eaten less than me, so he’s fine for now. I hope we can find a box with some vegetables in it. I think people call them gardenias. Or maybe that’s a kind of flower.

Day 12

Today held great joy. The clouds lifted and the sun peeked out from behind bringing warmth. Also, we went closer to the shelter today and we found some carrots and kale outside. My brother thought Wendy left them for us, but they were kind of old. They tasted really good though, so we saved some. If Wendy did leave them for us, hopefully she’ll see that we ate some and give us more.

My brother and I also went back to the sweet smelling place today, but there wasn’t a smell.

A heard a woman standing out front say, “I think they are closed.”

I’m not sure what that means, but we were pretty disappointed in our discovery. Maybe tomorrow we’ll return.

Day 13

My brother almost got killed! The cat came back again and tried to eat him! I can’t even remember what happened anymore. That cat came out of nowhere! All of a sudden he came running up, tryin’ to grab my brother. The dumb cat!

Nothing good has ever come out of cats. There was a cat at the shelter once and it scratched the worker’s eye! Cats aren’t good for anything, especially guinea pigs.

Day 23

We’re done for! After a couple more weeks outside, Brother was so skinny, we had to go back to the shelter. We waited a little for someone to come outside and find us. A short man greeted us with a shocked look.

He brought us inside and put us in a little cage. We just sat there, not knowing what to do. I has so used to being outside, I forgot what it was like to be confined.

“Chris!” The man who found us shouted, “Look what I found!”

A woman, taller than the the man who found us, came to our cage.

“Wow! Great find dude! These guys have been missing for a month. I can’t believe they’ve survived on their own!”

“I know! The small one is really skinny, though. These are the pigs Wendy liked. It’s too bad she moved away.”

At the thought of Wendy moving away, I was heartbroken. Our time at the shelter had always been with Wendy. I could tell my brother was upset, too.

Day 24

Today was preview day. A bunch of families came through to look at the dogs and cats and some of the other animals that were still left.

When a little girl asked about us, the man said we would be sold as a pair, but my brother is sick. I wasn’t too worried about him, because he’s pretty tough. Her mama mentioned something about reserving us. I’d heard that word before, but I didn’t know what it meant. The girl took me out and held me a little. She seemed really happy when they slid something in the slot on the front of the cage.

Later, Brother was taken for a little bit. When he came back, he was asleep, but I couldn’t wake him up. He wasn’t dead, but just there, sleeping.

He woke up a few hours later. He was drowsy looking. He got up and ate and drank. While he was up, a person in a white coat came by to check on him. She smiled when she saw him up. I could tell she was talking to me, too. With her, she brought veg. Brother was soon very happy about the vegetables. I think the woman was a doctor.

Read part 3!