loud squeking

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Nov 27, 2011
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Harley is currently in my room due to mange mites he had to be seperated from my other boar. He sounds like what people describe as wheeking but I gave him some more veggies and he cant have anymore as he is only a baby. He has been quieter since I got him out of his cage but what does this mean? Is it because he wants attention or he isnt happy?
I know this sounds harsh but he is probably distressed as he's on his own and just moved into his new home I know this is short term. He should settle down, either that he want's veggies all the time.
I've heard it for two reasons- the first is begging for or anticipating a treat, and the other is if a piggy is insecure because a cagemate is absent. When my original pair of sows were younger, the less dominant sow used to wheek for her 'big sister' if I had the dominant pig out. The other pig would wheek back as if she was saying "It's okay, I'm just over here!" Over time they stopped doing it, probably because she learned that the other pig always came back eventually.

Since he has to be separated due to the mites, I bet he is wheeking to see where his friend(s) went.
my younger male used to loudly squeak/wheak when i had him and his cage mate out but put his cage mate back first, it might help if they are separate but close by :)
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