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Lot's of eye discharge on one eye - On baytril


New Born Pup
Jun 27, 2020
Reaction score
Hi everyone,
My guinea pig Remy had to go to the vet last week because he had a piece of apple wedged in his mouth. The vet was able to remove it no problem but did put him on Baytril for two weeks seeing as he was worried the friction caused by the apple could lead to an infection. Anyways, he's been on Baytril for a week now but I have been recommended to stop it for at least 48h seeing as his poops have gotten a lot smaller so there is a concern of it having caused constipation. Over the past, I wanna say 3 days, every time he cleans himself there has been an excessive amount of discharge coming out of his left eye only (Pictures below). His eye is a tad crusty but not much, he's not closing his eye, it doesn't look cloudy and he's eating fine. Could this discharge just be from the Baytril or constipation? Or should I be concerned it's something else?
Thank you!
(He's a male and will be 3 in August if anyone wanted to know :))


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Also wanted to note, it does eventually leave, I just feel like it's more than normal but I could just be paranoid!
I know that they produce fluid in their eyes that they use to clean themselves, but that does seem excessive. I would take him back to the vet and see what they say. Or at least email them and follow up with a phone call to see how they want to proceed.

Another thing is that guinea pigs can’t be constipated. Small poos result from not eating enough. Seeing as there are 1-2 days between input and output it’s possible the amount he was eating 1-2 days ago dropped. Have you been weighing him daily?
I know that they produce fluid in their eyes that they use to clean themselves, but that does seem excessive. I would take him back to the vet and see what they say. Or at least email them and follow up with a phone call to see how they want to proceed.

Another thing is that guinea pigs can’t be constipated. Small poos result from not eating enough. Seeing as there are 1-2 days between input and output it’s possible the amount he was eating 1-2 days ago dropped. Have you been weighing him daily?
Ok, I have a phone call with the vet on Monday so I will let them know and see what they think! Had no idea they couldn't be constipated seeing as that's what the vet told me but good to know hahaha! He had lost an extreme amount of weight last week seeing as he had pretty much stopped eating but his eating has been pretty consistent for the past 5-6 days! I haven't but will start weighing him as of tonight!
Is your vet experienced with treating guinea pigs? Please add your location (state/county/town/country) to your profile so info can be better tailored to you.
Is your vet experienced with treating guinea pigs? Please add your location (state/county/town/country) to your profile so info can be better tailored to you.
I would rather not disclose all of that information. All I will add is my country, Canada. My vet is qualified and experienced with guinea pigs as far as I'm concerned.
I would rather not disclose all of that information. All I will add is my country, Canada. My vet is qualified and experienced with guinea pigs as far as I'm concerned.
I meant either of them not all 😉 hopefully it’s nothing and maybe just the cleaning fluid. Good luck.
If your vet thinks piggies can get constipated, then I’d suggest there isn’t as much experience there as you might think. Baytril will sometimes cause a tummy upset so giving a probiotic while on baytril can help settle the tummy and ensure the piggy eats. If a piggy isn’t pooping then it’s because it’s not eating hence the weight loss so piggy will need to be syringe fed while on the baytril
If your vet thinks piggies can get constipated, then I’d suggest there isn’t as much experience there as you might think. Baytril will sometimes cause a tummy upset so giving a probiotic while on baytril can help settle the tummy and ensure the piggy eats. If a piggy isn’t pooping then it’s because it’s not eating hence the weight loss so piggy will need to be syringe fed while on the baytril
Ok! Thank you so much, will definitely not be going back to that in vet in that case! He is eating so I don't think the syringe is necessary. Is it ok if I stopped his antibiotics as recommended by the vet?
If he’s not maintaining his weight then you have to syringe feed him. As for stopping the antibiotics, I’m not entirely sure. Given they think it’s causing the constipation...is fine another vet and see what they say. Have a look for recommendations on the link below
Veterinarians: Canada - Guinea Lynx Records