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Lots of Dandruff and a weird skin tag?


New Born Pup
Oct 27, 2024
Reaction score
Ello, This is Rosabelle (4 years old female)
She has recently been having issues. I took her to the emergency vet (Her cagemate had problems and I just took her too) she did quick check up and said it might be an ovarian cyst but they couldn’t do a check up till later(Like WAY later).
Then because her cagemate passed I was told to just worry first about her eating.
Then she had mites, got treated, got it again (due to my own stupidity of forgetting to bleach her blankets) and now we are here. At the ER vet she already had two bald patchs on the sides of her tummy but this seems to get better after her mite treatment. Now she has dandruff all over her body and bald patchs in places where she can’t even reach (like the top of her head) and today I saw this weird skin tag and redness again.I have compared it to pictures of fungal infections and it doesn’t seem to be the case. Big yellow pieces of dandruff but also white pieces but bot stuck on like fungal. (Skin tag is definitely NOT a nipple it is on the top of her back) I’m thinking of taking her to the vet but I just want a baseline of what it could be because as much as I want to trust the vet, I really don’t.
(Just in case, she doesn’t seem to have the best breeding and her cagemate passed from drugs but due to what we think is urinary stones. I have also in the past put some coconut oil on her skin sooo maybe?)

Any Suggestions would be appreciated


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That’s the sort of baldness I would associate with mites But I’d expect the skin to be all cut up, but that can happen very quickly so a vet check up is vital.

She does need to see a vet, when was the last mite treatment? Was it ivermectin spot on drop?
Maybe worth treating for mites again.

How long as she been bald?
Ovarian cysts does cause baldness our girl was bald on both sides with it at one point.
You may want to take a look at guinea lynx they are a excellent medical website run in the US and have vet list for Canada here CANADA - Guinea Lynx Records
That’s the sort of baldness I would associate with mites But I’d expect the skin to be all cut up, but that can happen very quickly so a vet check up is vital.

She does need to see a vet, when was the last mite treatment? Was it ivermectin spot on drop?
Maybe worth treating for mites again.

How long as she been bald?
Ovarian cysts does cause baldness our girl was bald on both sides with it at one point.
Last mite treatment was around Jan 23rd (Last dose of ivermectin) I followed the one drop then two days later then one week later then one week later schedule. Ivermectin on back of ears and the smallest amount on worst spots like her sides and a bit on her back. ( are you allowed to give ivermectin so close? )

So I only even noticed she was balding at the very end of September 2024. it wasn’t something you can see from a glance as like the photo, all her fur perfectly covers the spot. This spots haven’t gotten worse and have gotten slightly better. The balding has only gotten worst in along the spine area and one werid small patch on her head.

And thank you so much for the list, will help me so much hopefully for a new vet for Rosabelle.
get the vet to check the dandruff part for fungal also.

It could be you have two multiple things going on here. She is lucky to have such a caring owner, i hope you get to the bottom of things
Ello, This is Rosabelle (4 years old female)
She has recently been having issues. I took her to the emergency vet (Her cagemate had problems and I just took her too) she did quick check up and said it might be an ovarian cyst but they couldn’t do a check up till later(Like WAY later).
Then because her cagemate passed I was told to just worry first about her eating.
Then she had mites, got treated, got it again (due to my own stupidity of forgetting to bleach her blankets) and now we are here. At the ER vet she already had two bald patchs on the sides of her tummy but this seems to get better after her mite treatment. Now she has dandruff all over her body and bald patchs in places where she can’t even reach (like the top of her head) and today I saw this weird skin tag and redness again.I have compared it to pictures of fungal infections and it doesn’t seem to be the case. Big yellow pieces of dandruff but also white pieces but bot stuck on like fungal. (Skin tag is definitely NOT a nipple it is on the top of her back) I’m thinking of taking her to the vet but I just want a baseline of what it could be because as much as I want to trust the vet, I really don’t.
(Just in case, she doesn’t seem to have the best breeding and her cagemate passed from drugs but due to what we think is urinary stones. I have also in the past put some coconut oil on her skin sooo maybe?)

Any Suggestions would be appreciated
Just in case anyone has this occurring
Amazing vet recommendations :D
She seemed like she really knew her stuff a lot more than the ER vet we saw previously.
Vet says Rosa definitely has some reproductive system issue but from just feel it doesn’t seem extremely serious. Just cosmetic issues of her balding which starts from bottom half and moves upwards(which explains so much). The balding she mentions is due to the fact Rosa’s hair whorls there which is why they were balding. Only concern was she was underweight (which was the opposite of the ER vet so lucky she double checked that) and the veryyy small amounts of blood that doc comfirmed wasn’t from urinary tract but reproductive. For now feeling her small amounts of critical care to get weight up which also will help if she needs a spay, watching to see if trace blood appears again, and waiting on bloodwork.
Oh poor girl. Ovarian cysts can cause hormonal imbalances that lead to hair loss so your vet is absolutely right. It’s a good idea to get her weight up if you can as this will help with recovery from surgery if she needs it.