New Born Pup
I would love to piggy back off this post.
I checked my piggy (Oreo) this morning after breakfast to notice he didn't eat! (Instead of panic I decided to trouble shoot.)
After watching him a bit I noticed (after giving him one of his favorite yum yums) that he wasn't even trying to eat it.
So I pulled him out and checked his mouth to notice he lost both of his beautiful top front teeth. (We have never had any teeth problems with him only tumors at the other end. )
I know this just happened bc he ate all his breakfast the day before. So with that said, I have cut up his veggies smaller and offered them and he pigged out on the soft but non of his favorites (I did try though).
How long does it take until I will be able to see some teeth grow back. He hates being on his back and never mind showing me his teeth. (I normally have to put him on the counter and do a chin scratch so I can see them
Also, he is still good with his hay but you can tell he is upset about his kibble. He gets Science Selective Guinea Pig food. What can I do to help him with the kibble pieces? I had to cut the veggies pretty small, could I crush the kibble? Would he lick to eat it? The kibble is my only worry as he loves it and munchies on it all the time.
I checked my piggy (Oreo) this morning after breakfast to notice he didn't eat! (Instead of panic I decided to trouble shoot.)
After watching him a bit I noticed (after giving him one of his favorite yum yums) that he wasn't even trying to eat it.
So I pulled him out and checked his mouth to notice he lost both of his beautiful top front teeth. (We have never had any teeth problems with him only tumors at the other end. )
I know this just happened bc he ate all his breakfast the day before. So with that said, I have cut up his veggies smaller and offered them and he pigged out on the soft but non of his favorites (I did try though).
How long does it take until I will be able to see some teeth grow back. He hates being on his back and never mind showing me his teeth. (I normally have to put him on the counter and do a chin scratch so I can see them
Also, he is still good with his hay but you can tell he is upset about his kibble. He gets Science Selective Guinea Pig food. What can I do to help him with the kibble pieces? I had to cut the veggies pretty small, could I crush the kibble? Would he lick to eat it? The kibble is my only worry as he loves it and munchies on it all the time.