Lost My Limpy


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
found one of my boars had passed away yesterday , he was only 11 months old and aside from a visit to vet for lack of appetite last week I thought he was getting better. I now have a lone boar Bubbles and am wanting to take him to a piggy shelter to choose himself a new boar but am also toying with getting him neutered in the hope I may be able to pair him with my lone sow Scooby who unfortunately has failed to bond with my old girls. any thoughts on what would be best course of action. thank you as always for your advise .
rip x Sorry for your loss
I'm mortified as it was just so sudden.... obviously something more serious than we thought was going on . bubbles doesn't seem to distressed and Scooby is chattering to him from next door cage so I think I will get him neutered and see if they will bond. I'm sure hed like a young girlfriend but who knows? worth a try I think. il let you know x
So sorry for the loss of your piggy. It's always horrendous when its out of the blue like that.

As for your options. How old is Bubbles and how cavy savvy is your vet? Any operations carry some risk as obviously a general anaesthetic in such a small animal is going to have some risk. A cavy savvy vet that is experienced enough will minimise any risks of complications during or in the months following surgery. Age is also a factor as older pigs can be more unstable although its been known for a piggy on this forum to survive an op at 8 years old so nothing is impossible.

Have you put Bubbles and Scooby near each other so that they can meet through bars to see how they react to each other? It might be an indicator of whether Scooby is going to be accepting of Bubbles or not.

If you aren't sure whether your vet is up to the task you could always try boar bonding and then revisit the neuter option if he doesn't find a friend.
Very sorry for your loss. Board dating at a rescue would seem the most easy solution. Have you contacted The Potteries Guinea Pig rescue?

Please feel free to leave a memorial for your piggy in our rainbow bridge section
Very sorry for your loss. Board dating at a rescue would seem the most easy solution. Have you contacted The Potteries Guinea Pig rescue?

Please feel free to leave a memorial for your piggy in our rainbow bridge section
So sorry for the loss of your piggy. It's always horrendous when its out of the blue like that.

As for your options. How old is Bubbles and how cavy savvy is your vet? Any operations carry some risk as obviously a general anaesthetic in such a small animal is going to have some risk. A cavy savvy vet that is experienced enough will minimise any risks of complications during or in the months following surgery. Age is also a factor as older pigs can be more unstable although its been known for a piggy on this forum to survive an op at 8 years old so nothing is impossible.

Have you put Bubbles and Scooby near each other so that they can meet through bars to see how they react to each other? It might be an indicator of whether Scooby is going to be accepting of Bubbles or not.

If you aren't sure whether your vet is up to the task you could always try boar bonding and then revisit the neuter option if he doesn't find a friend
bubbles is eleven months old too . cages are next to each other and Scooby seems keen to make friends so the neutering is defo an option however I will try the rescues first. at least bubbles seems to be dealing with the loss of his friend so I feel this buys me a little time and I want to wait a few days to ensure bubbles is healthy as I really don't know what my limpy died of.xx