My young rescue guinea pig Binx was playing and eating just fine until Sunday. He is 8 months old, 5 of those months spent with us. He is housed with his buddy in a 6x3 C&c cage indoors and enjoyed a variety of veggies and hay each day. On Sunday I noticed he stopped eating and drinking and wasn’t pooping/peeing. I gave him critical care and water every 2-3 hours until I was able to take him to the vet Monday morning. Vet checked him over and kept him in for observation for 6 hours and advised me he was fine and to bring him home. I brought him home and when I sat him in his cage he just sort of dragged himself around and seemed to have lost full use of his legs. Vet asked me to bring him straight back, she prescribed Metacam and asked me to bring him back this morning. I stayed awake all night with him, sat by his cage, he rapidly deteriorated to the point he couldn’t even lift his head. He started to have what looked like seizures, opening his mouth wide repeatedly and twitching his head and back legs. At 8.30am this morning at the vet we made the decision to let him go. It was a hard decision but we could not see him suffer any longer. The vet couldn’t tell me what could have caused this, other than a “neurological illness”. Has anyone experienced anything like this before with their piggy’s? We have owned gp’s for the last 12 years and I have never came across this. We are so heartbroken to have had to let him go :-(