Loss of companion.


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 7, 2020
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I wanted to ask people for their advice about keeping a nearly 2 year old male Guinea pig called Teddy by himself. His companion died 2 weeks ago and I've got 3 boys left but they are all separated because the other two brothers were fighting when I brought them home and the breeder had lied said they got on but luckily I came up with a solution in the end to keep them as I didn't have the heart to get rid of them despite limited space but managed to work around it.
Teddy & his companion got on fine luckily as his companion was very laid back as Teddy has tried to push his luck a few times with him but they never had any issues with fighting. Teddy does hate the other brothers so there is no way I can put one of them with him for company as he purrs at them etc.
My question is, do you think Teddy would be ok by himself with the company in the same room?. Teddy still acts immature, he used to follow his companion everywhere was quite clingy and he is not really a guinea pig that likes to be alone as he seems to need security because where he came from he was attacked when he was a baby so obviously this is why he was clingy with his companion as he felt safe.
I do not want to go around in circles by getting another Guinea pig because when these 3 eventually go I won't be having any more Guinea pigs as it's too heartbreaking and they are complicated little guys when they become ill.
The thought of getting another Guinea pig for Teddy, I don't want to be cruel by putting the new Guinea pig into a huge cage from what it's used to then for it to be taken away from the luxury because they don't get on & I don't have any more space for another cage in case they didn't get on. Plus I think it wouldn't be fair on the brothers if they know there is another new guinea pig with Teddy as they might feel left out but even with the brothers I don't like them being alone but I had no choice.
Having a female is not an option as the males would get jealous.
Can Guinea pigs seem ok by eating and drinking to start with but eventually they might go down hill because they miss their companion? Has this happened before?. He seems really sad, I don't like seeing him in one place all the time when he used to go every where in his cage looking happy before.
I've noticed he has been biting pulling the fleece up multiple times in front of me this morning while I watched him closely as I'm assuming this means he is stressed but he's eating ok.
I can't rehome him because this is his home & it's not guaranteed that he will have a 7ft long cage with 3 tiers else where which would be cruel.
I'm not really sure what to do, it affects me seeing him sad not full of energy anymore like he used to be. It's been 2 weeks, does he need more time or will he go down hill later on if nothing is done?. I don't think I can do anything about it.
So sorry for your loss x
It’s a difficult call, isn’t it when you want to eventually give up keeping GP’s. You don’t want an never ending cycle of losing a piggie and then having to get another for company, repeat and repeat.
I think if you can arrange all the boys so they share at least one wall each then Teddy may be fine with his. It would have to be trial and error? See how it goes. Have the thought of an L shape in a corner, this sometimes works with limited space?
I would weigh Teddy and keep an eye on his weight so you know he is eating properly and see how he fairs. If he keeps a stable weight and is not depressed then you have your answer
So sorry for your loss x
It’s a difficult call, isn’t it when you want to eventually give up keeping GP’s. You don’t want an never ending cycle of losing a piggie and then having to get another for company, repeat and repeat.
I think if you can arrange all the boys so they share at least one wall each then Teddy may be fine with his. It would have to be trial and error? See how it goes. Have the thought of an L shape in a corner, this sometimes works with limited space?
I would weigh Teddy and keep an eye on his weight so you know he is eating properly and see how he fairs. If he keeps a stable weight and is not depressed then you have your answer
Thankyou, I miss him very much and it's not the same without him. It's like everything has changed since he has been gone.
Yeah it is difficult, I have decided no more Guinea pigs now because I cannot deal with the loss very well.
It's very difficult to change things around because they are in separate cages but I suppose I could move the brothers cage next to Teddy's for a short time on and off but I can imagine they will get angry with each other by chewing the bars as they do this when I show them each other.
Okay I will keep an eye on his weight. Thankyou.
I’m sorry for your loss. As said above you can have them living as neighbours. If the other two start to chew the bars etc when next to each other, perhaps you could rearrange it so they have Teddy in between them. If it continues, you can put something solid on the divider so they can’t see each other. After a short time you can slowly remove and they would have hopefully settled down.
I’m sorry for your loss. As said above you can have them living as neighbours. If the other two start to chew the bars etc when next to each other, perhaps you could rearrange it so they have Teddy in between them. If it continues, you can put something solid on the divider so they can’t see each other. After a short time you can slowly remove and they would have hopefully settled down.
Thankyou. I'll try that. See how they go.