loss of a cagemate


New Born Pup
Jan 2, 2021
Reaction score
United Kingdom
hi everyone,
unfortunately my beloved hugo crossed the rainbow bridge about 6 weeks ago. it was very sudden and unexpected and he left behind his brother milo.
milo coped surprisingly well with his death. i discovered hugo dead in the cage in the early hours of the morning and i suspect milo had been able to see him and this must have helped the grieving process. milo did seem a bit lost for the first few days afterwards however his appetite never lessened, and his behaviour was otherwise normal thankfully.
now i have grieved my hugo, i feel like if i were to find milo a new friend, i would be ready. the issue is milo is extremely dominant. he bossed hugo around and they bickered every so often. he is also not neutered and i do not feel comfortable neutering him in case of health complications. due to his behaviour, i wonder if a new friend would actually be the right choice for him.
on the other hand, although milo is his usual happy self, i worry about him becoming lonely. i understand how vital it is to have guinea pigs living in at least pairs, so that they can be their happiest selves. he lives in my bedroom so he gets to interact with me often however i am going to uni at the end of this month so will only be able to see him in the holidays, so my parents will look after him.
is it time to look for a new friend for him or will he be okay alone? as he is 3.5 years old, i do not want to get a younger pig as it will be an endless cycle that i cannot afford to keep up.
I'm sorry for your loss.

He will be happier with a friend and it is lovely that you are looking into doing this for him.

A successful bond comes down to character compatibility, not age. If you can take him dating at a rescue centre, then he can choose his own new friend, based on mutual liking. This will result in a better bond. If Milo is dominant, then he will get on better with a piggy who cannot challenge him.
If you do want to end your piggy cycle, then fostering a compatible friend for him may be an option. This means that you hand the foster piggy back when Milo passes - he gets the companionship he needs for the rest of his life and you also do not have the cycle of bringing home new piggies for the one left behind.
I'm sorry for your loss.

He will be happier with a friend and it is lovely that you are looking into doing this for him.

A successful bond comes down to character compatibility, not age. If you can take him dating at a rescue centre, then he can choose his own new friend, based on mutual liking. This will result in a better bond. If Milo is dominant, then he will get on better with a piggy who cannot challenge him.
If you do want to end your piggy cycle, then fostering a compatible friend for him may be an option. This means that you hand the foster piggy back when Milo passes - he gets the companionship he needs for the rest of his life and you also do not have the cycle of bringing home new piggies for the one left behind.
thank you for your response! i hadn’t even thought about fostering! i know it will be hard because i form deep attachments to my pets but perhaps that would be a good option to consider.