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Loosing hair

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My guineapig 'piggy' has recently been ill with what appeared to be an absess under the chin, but we took her to the vets and he said it was a salivary gland and if you massage it with some fucibet, then it goes down into just saggy skin. And this is quiet true, she sdoesnt seem to be in any pain. There was a bold patch and the vet said that it was from her biting the fur off the make the lump dissapear, (more on this story in Health and Illness > HELP :() however she now appeares to be loosing fur round her mouth and nose too and she has tiny white spots , and the lump is still there untill we rub it down.

Can anyone help?
I dont know if this is just from old age that she is loosing fur, shes about 3 years old.

Thanks x
vixter_92 said:
i dont know if you need anymore details...

Nice advise ::) ?

Anyway If shes not in pain,And the vet says she's ok.Well then i guess she's ok.

I no hamsters loose fur when they get to be over 1 year old.I dont think guinera pigs usally do.But if shes been bitting herself/itching them shes bound to loose hair.Hopefully it will grow back.It should.
This could be a fungal infection,any chance of a pic?

If you do not know of it already,have a look at

WWW.GORGEOUSGUINEAS.COM ,they have some very good creams for fungal conditions.I would recommend the lavender and myrrh lotion because you could apply this with a cotton bud.

3 years is not old,piggies can live to 9 or 10 years.,and in any case aging does not normally cause hair loss.
maryh said:
3 years is not old,piggies can live to 9 or 10 years.

longest living guinea pig ever know was 14 too.

averadge for a guinea is normally about 5 - 8 i would recon, 3 is about middle aged really to me

Is there any scabbing on the skin or dry and redness?
Oh vix, She will be ok. I dont know what this is now but sounds like its something to do with the illness in the first place, But I'm no vet though. Mabey ring the vet and see whats going on with the hair loss. Thats all i can say.
be careful my piggie started with hair loss :( :(then went downhill this weekend and had to cross over the Rainbow Bridge to Piggy Heaven. :'(I had been given cream and baytril from my vets but it didnt work.
I dont have any pics at the moment.
I will get some though

Its abit red round her nose with like little white spots.
She seems to be abit sad too, but shes fine when shes having a fuss, i think she just wants company.

And oh rite when we ask the vet how old is old they sed about 3. But my guineas have always lived to about 5/6ish.
I dont really know that lot about piggy medicines and illnesses :(

And I'm so sorry goldilocks :( xxxxx

I dont want piggy to die :(
i am praying for you he doesnt, wouldnt wish the grief on my worst enemy

good luck and thinking of you,
This just could be ringworm.
I think you need to find a vet who understands gps(or a rodentologist).I am not convinced that your present vet knows anything about piggies.

Email Chrissie at GG and have a look at WWW.petergurney.com this site has very good info on skin problems.Chrissie would be able to advise you if any of her products would help or whether you need a vetinary product.
Hiya all.
Piggys taken a turn for the worst tonite :(
Shes all limp and she wont move.
We took her to the emergency vet and they said that she has got an absess now, and that my other vet was WRONG ( >:( ) !
But he gave us some medicine to give her..some vitamins or something and it said it will keep the body hidrated.
But when we came home she wouldnt swallow the medicine. She has like a fit or something and tries to bite everything near her!
Anyway...I'm very upset :(:(
Weve just laid her in her cage and are keeping her inside for tonite..i really dont think she will make it.

Thanks to everyone for your help and advice..
I'm only 15 :(
I hope she will be ok, but i really dont think she will be.
Ill tell you updartes when things happen :(:(
Aww i'm so sorry vix, It very frustrating when you can't get to do the medicine! If she is still okay tomorrow, it might be best to let the vet know the situation and they may be able to care for her whilst she stays there. She sounds very poorly :(

I'll keep my fingers crossed for her
Piggy died :(
I miss her already!

She looked quiet peacefull.
i keep thinking its my fault because i didnt take her to the vet sooner.

:( :( :( Thanks everyone for all your advice..i wish i cud have saved her!
I am so very sorry you have lost your piggy like this.Please do not blame yourself at all,you loved Piggy and did all you could for her.Piggy would have known that she was loved and that you were trying to help her.

I am afraid you were very badly let down by an incompetant vet who would not admit that he knew nothing about piggies.I think there was a abcess all along,which may have caused septicaemia.I get so very angry with these vets,why oh why cant they just admit they dont know and advise you to go to another vet.
I agree mary :( :tickedoff:

Thank you for all your adivce.. i should have gone to another vet like you said.
It could have saved her life!
I dont know weather i should get another pig now:(
I miss piggy soo so so much

I hope you will consider getting another piggy when you feel a bit less upset.You have a lot of love to give and there are a lot of piggies sitting in rescues waiting for a loving home.

Just remember ,this was not your fault,you trusted a vet,which we should be able to do,but you were very badly let down.

Try and find a gp friendly vet and this will give you the confidence to get another piggy.
Thanks : :smitten:
I'll have to ask mum if were aloud another piggy.
Cus shes really upset too :(

We had to take her to the emergency vet these times, becuase the normal vet was closed. So hopefully if i get a new piggy and theres a problem the normal vet will be more truthfull..
OH Vix i am so very sorry :'(

Please don't blame yourself, Piggy knew she was very much loved :smitten:

Sleep in peace Piggy 0:)
oh vix I'm so sorry :'( i know how you feel was in your shoes just two days ago my piggie was nearly 3.

it doesnt matter if your 15 or 37 you still feel grief, PM if you want to talk know what you are going through

let me know where you r if you PM I'm in newcastle if its anywhere near you

RIP to your piggie :(
:) Sorry for your loss Vix, you did your best.

I am angry that a vet has let this happen, recognising abscesses isn't rocket science no matter what the animal. Does this level of incompetence happen in dogs? If he was unsure then he should have said so and asked for help. If you can bring yourself to do it it would be good to give the practise manager some feedback. Tell them an your piggy had an abscess but it wasn't until you got a second opinion that you discovered this and Piggy is now dead because of a vet the surgery. You should also feedback to the vet, if you can (and I understand if you can't, I just hate to think of them thinking they've got away with it).

Nothing wrong with vets being ignorant about piggies, but not having the common sense to ask for help- well, that is wrong.

As Mary said, give yourself time to get over this and then please get another piggy, you care and have already learnt loads, a rescue Guinea would be proud to have you I'm sure :)
Yeah ive asked mum and she sed shes going to let me wrte a letter with eerything in it.

Thanks for your help.
I cant belive i didnt take her to a different vet.

:( :( :'(
Well done Vix, that would be good :)

I think you should be able to expect to trust a vet to treat your pig or refer you to someone who can so don't blame your self :)
I agree with Karen ,Vix.,you must stop blaming yourself.Just concentrate on getting a new piggy --and a newvet!.
Aww :'( I'm so sorry you lost her. Don't feel bad about not going to another vet. You were right in thinking you could trust the vet you saw. You took her as soon as you saw she was poorly, and it's the vets fault for not examining her properly! Good luck on getting a new piggy/piggies. They sound like they will have a great mum :smitten:

Hiya everyone
Mums already sold all the cages :(
And she says she defo sint getting any more pigs cus its just heart breaking when they die...

I'm going to write a letter soon to the head person at the vets.
But I'm going on holiday soon to my grandads house.

H iVix, one day when you're more in control of the siruation and settled I hope you come back to guineas :) It is heart breaking when they die, but your last guinea shouldn't have died, don't let it put you off getting guineas in the future :)
Hi Vix,

As Karen says,you have to abide with your mums wishes for now,but I also hope that you will return to piggy keeping in a few years time.You are a very caring person who would give piggies a very happy home.

Best wishes for the future..
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