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Looking for vet recommendations


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2019
Reaction score
Carbondale, Illinois
Not sure if this is the right area to post this in. I looked and thought this would fit best.

I know this is an UK based forum, however I’m sure there are Guinea owners on here that are from the us as well. I’ve been having issues with Penelope’s dental problems. She just had a procedure on last Friday and she is still being weird with eating. Her bottom left incisor looks off to me but any time she’s ever had molar issues, her incisors have always looked good. Not many vets are too experienced with dentals unfortunately.

I also have Minnie who’s never had teeth issues ever (both her and Penelope are around 4yrs) and she’s been losing weight and making a gagging motion when trying to eat hay. Vet said her teeth look fine but makes me wonder. Makes me think of an infection or something? Considering she’s never had molar issues in her entire life.

My question is, does anyone around Paducah Kentucky, saint Louis Missouri, even Cape Giardeau Missouri know of any good vets? Especially ones with dentals? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Have you looked at Guinea Lynx. It may be of help

Guinea Lynx :: GL's Vet List
I have. I was only able to really only find one vet on there and I called them and they can’t get me in for 2-3 weeks.

Minnie is declining every day and my regular vet isn’t listening to me. I am so desperate for a vet to take me seriously and know their stuff.
I am so sorry you are in this awful situation x Hope you can find a vet that can do a good job with dentals, very few and far around here too