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Looking for Vet Recommendations in Lanarkshire or Glasgow


New Born Pup
Dec 22, 2022
Reaction score
Uddingston, Glasgow
Hi all, new to the site. I currently have four girls piggies all aged between 1 & 2. One girl gas not been herself last couple days. She is eating and popping but I could tell something wasn't right. Can feel some swelling on her neck bit like swollen glands not quite a lump. Had her at Vets for Pets at PAH Forge today and the vet was lovely although she automatically wanted to charge over £400 for biopsys and other tests as she had no clue what the problem was. I asked if there was anything else we could try and she said a course of antibiotics and anti inflammatory meds would be a good option first actually so we got them and have a follow up appt next week. I get the feeling like they may not be as clued up with Guinea Pig Illnesses so I would like to find a vet who specialises in small furries to possibly have them assess my girl instead. Can anyone advise of any within Lanarkshire or Glasgow please? Really worried about my girl but don't want to put her through all sorts of prodding and poking by someone who isn't 100% sure what they are looking for!

Thank you!
Welcome and I am sorry to hear she is unwell.

Ensure you switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh her daily while you have health concerns so you can more closely monitor that she is indeed still eating enough hay - hay intake cannot be judged by eye.
Weight - Monitoring and Management

This is our link to our recommended vets
Recommended Guinea Pig Vets

I hope she is ok