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Looking For Some Advice - Uri

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I'm new to the forum and looking for some advice! So, on Sunday I brought two gorgeous little piggies and named them Hazel and Lily. Yesterday Hazel seemed like she was right so I took her to the vets, he diagnosed her with a URI, gave me some Baytril to help with it. She already seems like she's getting better! But unfortunately Lily now seems like she's coming down with the same thing :( is it safe to give her the same medicine as Hazel? Or should I take her to the vets as well?
Hi, Welcome to the forum :)
I think Lily should go to the vet for her own diagnosis and medicine just in case she has a different problem, plus Hazel needs all her medicine as it's important with antibiotics to either finish the course or continue until the vet tells you to stop. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will come along soon with further advice for you :)
Hi and welcome!

Please have Lily diagnosed properly as well and get her her own course of antibiotics. You always have to finish a full course, whether a piggy has symptoms or not. A URI that has not been properly cleared can lead to lifelong problems, like a string of increasingly resistent URIs or even lung disease. :(

URI is quite infectious and is well known for spreading amongst stressed out youngsters that are going through some major upheaval in their lives. If you got your girls from a pet shop, you can claim the vet bill back from them, as it has happened during the incubation period and they have come to you already infected.

Baytril (like any antibiotic) can dampen or at the worst kill the appetite, so it would be good if you got some probiotic, either from your vet or a pet shop. Giving extra vitamin C may also help to prop up their immune system.

With members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you added your country, state and (for the UK) your county/city to your details, so we can always give you the best advice for your part of the world straight away. Please click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thanks!
We also have got a piggy savvy UK vet locator on the top bar.
Thank you so much to both of you for the advice, I've added my location to my profile, I'm just about to take Lily to the vets. I got them both from Pets at Home and have sent an email to them as I am quite saddened by it as I suspect they would have already been ill?
Hazel seems to be eating fine, but Lily not so much, I've been soaking her pellets in water and syringe feeding her, I hope this is okay? I will get some of the pro biotic and vitamin C when I get to the vets. Thank you again for the help :)
I've got back from the vet and she's been put on the same medication, but wow, I've fed her following the advice on her and she loved it! I couldn't feed her quick enough, is that a good sign that she is actually hungry?
I've got back from the vet and she's been put on the same medication, but wow, I've fed her following the advice on her and she loved it! I couldn't feed her quick enough, is that a good sign that she is actually hungry?

Yes, it is a very good sign!

We have got lots of information at the top of our various CAre sections, which you may find helpful in settling in your two girls. You might like to browse it in the next few days, but you are always welcome to ask any questions you may have.
Well done for spotting it so quickly, sending both your girls lots of healing vibes and please keep us updated.

Oh, welcome to the forum by the way. Lovely to have you here.
Thought I'd give an update, the girls are doing a lot better, they've both been eating again and seen a lot more lively :) thank you everyone for being so helpful and welcoming :)
Glad to hear that the girls are doing ok and looking forward to seeing pigtures of them in the future :)
We got our girls from P@H and one of them had an infected wound on her face (we didn't notice in the shop). They didn't question paying for the vet bill which in the end was 3 vets appointments and two lots of meds.
Thought I'd give an update, the girls are doing a lot better, they've both been eating again and seen a lot more lively :) thank you everyone for being so helpful and welcoming :)
Welcome! I had the same issue soon after I brought my first piggie home and unfortunately it has been a recurrent problem for her so as soon as I notice her congested back to the vet we go and another round of Baytril. My problem Is how expensive the vets are here in new York really struggling because each visit is about $125
We got our girls from P@H and one of them had an infected wound on her face (we didn't notice in the shop). They didn't question paying for the vet bill which in the end was 3 vets appointments and two lots of meds.

Oh that's good to know, I will have to give them a ring as they're apparently not responding to my email :(
Welcome! I had the same issue soon after I brought my first piggie home and unfortunately it has been a recurrent problem for her so as soon as I notice her congested back to the vet we go and another round of Baytril. My problem Is how expensive the vets are here in new York really struggling because each visit is about $125

Yeah, vets bills are expensive, I can imagine they're even worse in New York :(
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