Looking For New Friend For My Pig...two Babies?

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New Born Pup
Nov 20, 2015
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Hi, I've been an admiring lurker on these boards for a while looking at all the advice given, and I need some of my own now so thought I would come on here and ask.
We just lost our lovely tricolour Marvin a few days ago, leaving our 5 year old Donald on his own. Donald was the dominant one, apart from during a short period of time a month ago when Donald was ill when they switched roles for a week. He doesn't seem to be missing Marvin at all (has been enjoying having all the food to himself and popcorning a lot) but we don't want him to get lonely, they were rescues but as far as we know they spent their whole lives together. I understand that it can be easier to pair an older boar with a baby, but because Donald is definitely on the older side we are considering getting two babies - we don't want the new guinea pig to be stuck on his own. There are six that have just come into a rescue near me, has anybody had any experience of this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi, I've been an admiring lurker on these boards for a while looking at all the advice given, and I need some of my own now so thought I would come on here and ask.
We just lost our lovely tricolour Marvin a few days ago, leaving our 5 year old Donald on his own. Donald was the dominant one, apart from during a short period of time a month ago when Donald was ill when they switched roles for a week. He doesn't seem to be missing Marvin at all (has been enjoying having all the food to himself and popcorning a lot) but we don't want him to get lonely, they were rescues but as far as we know they spent their whole lives together. I understand that it can be easier to pair an older boar with a baby, but because Donald is definitely on the older side we are considering getting two babies - we don't want the new guinea pig to be stuck on his own. There are six that have just come into a rescue near me, has anybody had any experience of this?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi and welcome!

I am very sorry for your loss! You are welcome to post a tribute to Marvin in our Rainbow Bridge section if and whenever it feels right for you.

Donal can be tried with any more submissive boar of any age, preferably by dating, so you know they are working out. We have got a recommended good standard rescue locator on the top bar who we can guarantee for, unlike for any other rescues. The same as breeders, there is no licensing system or control for rescues, so anybody can call themselves a rescue (or a breeder), with sometimes dire results. This is the reason why we have started our list to help our members to know where they are in safe and experienced hands. All our recommended rescues have a full quarantine/pregnancy watch, good care and vet care while in rescue. They are also carefully bonded as to character compatibility and only put up for adoption when they are perfectly healthy.
Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator

Adult-adult boar bonds have the advantage that provided they get on and bond, their bond is generally stable. Pairing up with a baby means that you have to go through the unstable hormonal teenage months where fall-outs are a possibility.

The fall-out rate in trios, even more so with 2 or 3 babies in the mix is well above 50% (in fact, with 3 babies it is around 90%), so getting two babies is not recommended; at the worst, you can end up with boars that won't go back together. The vast majority of boars find a new friend out of 1-3 boars they are introduced to. Please note that not every boar clicks with every baby; even there, personal liking and character compatibility are crucial. It is always much better if you can do this at a good rescue under expert supervision than taking boars home on spec.
Hi and welcome!

I am very sorry for your loss! You are welcome to post a tribute to Marvin in our Rainbow Bridge section if and whenever it feels right for you.

Donal can be tried with any more submissive boar of any age, preferably by dating, so you know they are working out. We have got a recommended good standard rescue locator on the top bar who we can guarantee for, unlike for any other rescues. The same as breeders, there is no licensing system or control for rescues, so anybody can call themselves a rescue (or a breeder), with sometimes dire results. This is the reason why we have started our list to help our member know where they are in safe hands.
Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator

Adult-adult boar bonds have the advantage that provided they get on and bond, their bond is generally stable. Pairing up with a baby means that you have to go through the unstable hormonal teenage months where fall-outs are a possibility.

The fall-out rate in trios, even more so with 2 or 3 babies in the mix is well above 50% (in fact, with 3 babies it is around 90%), so getting two babies is not recommended; at the worst, you can end up with boars that won't go back together. The vast majority of boars find a new friend out of 1-3 boars they are introduced to. Please note that not every boar clicks with every baby; even there, personal liking and character compatibility are crucial. It is always much better if you can do this at a good rescue under expert supervision than taking boars home on spec.

Thank you very much for your advice and reply, that's clarified a few things for us. We're starting to contact rescues today.
Wishing you all the best! Please keep us updated!
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