Looking for less bulky options


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 22, 2020
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Once the weather begins to warm up I am looking to transition the boys out for the summer again. However for the time I had them outdoors all hay on the bottom of the shed which created far too much waste, it filled the bins up quickly too because of this I am looking for some options to fill 3ftx6ft of space with a substrate that can be compacted a bit more than hay or composted. Plus, the boys have had a falling out so I will require double the substrate filling the bins faster.

I've looked into aspen and hemp, but wondered what others personal experiences have been like whether either one, or something better.

I've been using fleece inside and really like it, however I don't know how it transfers outside.
I use woodshavings. Other options are aubiose, megazorb and paper based bedding. I’ve used biocatelet in the past which I liked, but it was expensive to buy.
Mine live in my shed (with a hutch as well). I use megazorb and hay for bedding. I also really like aubiose but I don’t find it easy enough to source, switched to megazorb and really love it.

You might be able to use fleece outside in summer but it’s not suitable for all locations. It can wick moisture from the air even in summer and then remain damp, particularly if we have a wet summer. I find I can use fleece on the shed floor (I never use it in the hutch itself) in summer (only) as i live in one of the drier, warmer parts of the uk.
I use Aubiose too and love it. I use it like @Mother Hubbard does, scooping out just the wet bits and the poo, leaving all the dry clean bedding. I have also used megazorb, when I couldn’t get Aubiose, and it’s fine, it works well. I like how it looks, but I really don’t like the smell! I find it smells really strange. It may well be less noticeable outside but in my house I don’t like it!
I absolutely loved aubiose. I only encountered megazorb with former school guinea pigs. The last time I had them, I used shavings as it seems I reacted to it. Same with aubiose, I absolutely loved it but my son and I reacted to it.
Back-2-nature is incredibly absorbent but expensive for large areas and not every council will accept it in the garden waste collection. But for smaller 'bedroom' areas it is brilliant.
After all of these suggestions I think I am going to look into Auboise, perhaps my local feed store supplies it too since it's a horse specialized one. Fingers crossed.
Thank you all so much, I do at least have some options to try as well. I usually do the loft in fleece, and they'll still have their fleecey bits and pieces too just it probably wouldn't work all over, especially if its rainy as mentioned and I walk in on it with wet shoes. Although I tend to take my wet shoes off at the door and step inside.

@Free Ranger I actually used back2nature for a foster bun, I really did like it but it was so pricey. Great for a litter box! I didn't know that though about some councils not accepting it. Thank you for that too I will have to look into that too.