Looking for advice re. bonding behaviours, two boars


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 27, 2016
Reaction score
Hi there!

Yesterday I adopted a new friend for my bereaved boar, Gary. They are mostly fine, they eat together, noone stops anyone eating or sleeping, the humping has stopped completely, most of the time they are fine, i witnessed the new guy grooming my boy earlier. I have actually been pleasantly surprised. The only issue I have now is that sometimes when Gary goes up to the new boy (not named him yet incase he has to go back to the rescue) and startles him, he lunges at Gary and gives him a nip. Which then results in them staring at each other and loudly chattering until one of them gives up. It’s never got into a full fight.

I guess I’m just looking for reassurance that this can be normal at the beginning. I think the new guy is a bit afraid of Gary - even though Gary is quite submissive in general (I think he only chatters back as he feels it unjust that he has just been ‘told off’ for trying to cuddle 😂). The new guy had fallen out with his previous cage mate and he isn’t overly dominant so I wonder if maybe he had been a bit bullied by his last pal. They do sit next to each other to eat, sometimes touching so I know they don’t hate each other entirely! Any advice would be appreciated as the lunging upsets me - I had a pair of boars before who lunged and ended up falling out entirely (tho the lunging was MUCH more aggressive and noone backed down) so I think I am just anxious 🙂

Edited to add this was them earlier united in their hatred of me lol. My boy is the one on the right.

Lunging is a defensive behaviour. What you are describing sounds ok and within normal bonding levels.
It will take them around two weeks to fully settle their relationship and hierarchy.
Have they only been together since yesterday? How big is their cage and how long were they together in the bonding area? And how did it go with the bonding?

:agr: because I was also thinking defensive behaviour as mentioned above. They have also only been together one day. How long does the chattering go on and who usually gives up first?
Have they only been together since yesterday? How big is their cage and how long were they together in the bonding area? And how did it go with the bonding?

:agr: because I was also thinking defensive behaviour as mentioned above. They have also only been together one day. How long does the chattering go on and who usually gives up first?

They were in the bonding area at the rescue for a good few hours, just humping and chasing with no teeth chattering. Humping from the new boy whonis much smaller than my boy, it was quite funny to watch. Then they ate and fell asleep, didn’t want to murder each other when they woke up so I brought them home to continue 🙂 the teeth chattering only lasts for a couple of seconds, they also do that annoying I’M ANNOYED squeaking sound as well. My boy Gary usually gives up first and starts eating, he is the underpig in the relationship, as he was in his previous one - he worshipped his late brother William as if he was a god, it was super sweet. Gary has no interest in being the boss, he literally just wants affection from another pig (which is why if they don’t work out I am neutering him and getting him a wife lol). They are currently in a big playpen in my living room so I can watch them, I am in the process of cleaning out the 2&5 c&c upstairs atm - I hadn’t cleaned it out yet since my old boy died as I have been in such awful grief over it (Gary went with me everywhere i went in the travel cage so he wasnt too lonely). Plus we have a 12 week old pup AND my partner just went back offshore - typical William dying at the most awkward of times 😂

I think it’s more of a ‘me’ problem, I get so anxious over these things 🙈