Looking Back At Old Photos.

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Cavy Lover

Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
Hello Guys, Hope yourself and your pigs are all doing well.
Tonight, I found myself looking back at an old file I created on my laptop which is full of pictures of the pigs when they first arrived at my house or when they were born. I probably sound like a weirdo, but I found myself nearly crying with happiness and joy. I've now made a plan to go to the shop and buy a load of picture frames, and I will print out all the really cute ones and hang them up in my room. I wanted to post this thread to see if any of you guys ever look back at your photos of the pigs and feel so proud and lucky to own and look after such wonderful piggies. I also went and got the pigs to look at the pictures, but they weren't impressed and just wanted cuddles and carrots!:) Maybe I'm just a weirdo but I don't care I love my pigs and I love looking back on old pigtures.
Aww that is a lovely idea. You are not weird at all. Looking at piggy pictures is great fun.
I'm constantly looking back at old photos. The memories are so lovely. Great idea about printing them for frames. I might do that too! :)
It's lovely to look back on old pictures, such memories :)
When I look back at old pictures I can never quite believe how small they used to be when they were babies compared to now!
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